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Shadow Steve x Emkay (Emma)

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel

P.S: It was Shadow not Dark who took Emma


When Emma open her eyes, she immediately realized that she was in a prison. She tried to remember what happened, but her head hurt too much for her to think straight. Though she didn't have to dwell on it long when she heard a door open and Shadow was in her line of sight. Emma back far away from the Steve as possible not knowing what he was capable of doing, well according from Shark, Shadow was a dangerous Steve.

'Shark...Shark!'  Emma's eyes widen remembering what happened: she fell in a trap and the last thing she heard before blacking out was Shark yelling her name.

"You're awake" Shadow said bring Emma's attention to him. Emma then noticed the plate of food he was holding when he slid it over to her before backing away.

Emma looks at the food questioning.

"It's not poison or anything" Shadow spoke up noticing what the human was doing, "It would be useless for me to do, humans heal quicker then Steves"

Hesitenly, Emma reach for the food and started to eat it slowly while Shadow walk around doing somethings, glancing at Emma once in a while. Feeling full, Emma pushed the plate away and kept an eye on Shadow just in case.

"Wh-What do you want?" Emma asked.

Shadow stared at her before looking away, "I don't have to tell you anything"   

Emma signed as she look around the room for a way out. Soon she saw a lever and knew that was her way out, now all she had to do was to wait for the Steve to leave.

'Why capture me when you have no reason to?'

"That trap was meant for Shark, I did not expect for another human to be with him" Shadow said.

"How did you..."

"You said it out loud" Shadow signed. To him, humans are odd creatures; they do not know if they thought about or said it.

Emma blush red from embarrassment, "O-Oh"

 A blanket of silence covered the room, the only sounds were from Shadow typing on some computers. Some time later Shadow took the plate and left the room, but not before leaving something close enough to the prison for Emma to reach.

After making sure Shadow was far enough away by listening to his footsteps, Emma flipped the lever she noticed and was free from her prison. Internally cheering for freeing herself then went to find a way out of Shadow's base. She went to flip every lever she saw and was about to flip the last one when she noticed something just outside of her previous prison. A poppy and a note were left and Emma guessed that Shadow placed them there for her to get.

The note read:

I'm sorry for this Emma, I lied when I said the trap was for Shark. In reality, I was hoping that you would fall in. You see, I found myself being attracted towards you each time I saw you. Do not ask why because I have yet to understand. I was planning to tell you this, but even the toughest Steves get scared so that's why I wrote a note instead. 

Also, I know you and Shark are close, but I do not know how close so I did not want to interfere with that. That is why I got a poppy instead of a rose, both are red for love, but a rose means it and I do not want to over step my boundaries.

~With love, Dark

P.S. Don't tell Shark, his reaction will be a wildcard

When Emma got done, her face was so red that the poppy in her hand could not compare. Shadow likes her and his letter was so sweet of him. Emma was glad Shadow wasn't going to do anything to get her since she was with Shark (due to ship Emma and Shark are close friends). Gently tucking the note in her pocket, Emma flipped the last lever revealing a hidden area and when she step through there was a note on a wall:

P.S. Come by any time, you're welcome here ;)

A smile appeared on Emma's face and put the note with the other one. She then started to do the parkour to get past the lava. After some time - and close calls - Emma made it out and went on her own, thinking about the Steve she just met.

"I'll have to come back one day" Emma said aloud. She smiled when she saw a figure disappear behind some trees and chuckled, "And this time I meant to talk aloud"


Word count: 780

Requests remain: 0

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