(2) HypnoSabre

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Requested by MelissaC2000


After Hypno teleport him, Sabre and Alex out of the what use to be Spirit World back to what they thought was their world or the illusion world, they were deciding on their next plan of action. At first it was them, mainly Alex and Hypno, rattling off random ideas while Sabre interjected a few times. Now Sabre was rambling off about something that Hypno lost track of and was getting really annoyed. Alex, spending the most time the human, was use to this; however, Hypno was not and was getting impatient. The Steve continually glared at Sabre who was unaware and continued talking. That was until Hypno had enough.

"Shut up for one second!" Hypno shouted making Alex jump and Sabre to stop talking.

"You okay man?" Sabre asked.

"No I'm not!" Hypno continued to shout, "How can I be when the worlds are collapsing and everything is falling apart?! We have no time for any of this!"

"I know that this are a mess and we're trying to find a way to fix it"

"As if! You're not taking any of this seriously! You are just acting like a child! You don't care about anyone but yourself!" 

While Hypno was shouting at Sabre, he failed to noticed the brunette's fists clench and continued his yelling.   

"Why anyone would work with you is question! Since everyone you get close to dies! Rainbow, Light, Time, everyone! You ruined everyone's life by coming here! When you left you should have stayed gone as you caused so much pain and misery since you came back! Yet you can smile through all this madness and chaos!"

"Hypno that's enough" Alex tried to intervene.

Sabre's heart clench hearing the names of his friends, especially Light's as Illusion used him to trick Sabre months before. Seeing Light and hearing his voice made him think of his failure to save his son.

"No, he needs to hear this" Hypno growled, "You are selfish and that's why you lose everyone you met! Even that other human who was suppose to be your friend, he left and never came back. Can't say I blame him, I would leave if I had to deal with someone like you!"

Before Hypno could go any further, Sabre punched a tree, splitting is a bit. Both Alex and Hypno eyes widen, neither seen the human do this before.

"You know Hypno" Sabre said in a voice with no joy or happiness laced in it, "You may think you know everything, but you know nothing about me. Do you think I wanted to get involved with all of this? With the Steves? I didn't."

Hypno started to feel guilty, he had forgotten Sabre was pushed into all of this then curiosity carried him the rest of the way.

"The reason I smile is to hide my fear that I have constantly have. People work with me because I go out of my way to help them and they are afraid to make all the hard decisions. And the reason Lucas left was because he had no choice, he's my cousin and it kills me that I never get to see him because I'm dealing with everyone's problems!" Sabre's voice got louder before he took a  breath to calm him, "Do you know why I came back Hypno?"

Hypno shook his head.

"I came back because I didn't feel complete. Steves go to the Spirit World when they reach the end of their journey, but my journey never ends"

Sabre pulls of his bandanna and when the other two seen his eyes, they gasp.

"There's a reason why I hide my eyes" Sabre looks at them with grey eyes filled with sadness, regret, hurt, pain, grief and more.

"They say eyes are the gate to the soul. So can you see what I feel?" Sabre asked with a smile, but now that they can seen his eyes, it looked forced.

"Sabre I..." Hypno was lost for words.

"You are just like the rest" Sabre said and started to laugh, "Once you go what you want out of me, you'll toss me to the side. Abandon me like everyone in my life."

A think silence was placed upon the three before Sabre broke it.

"Now since we got that out of the way" Sabre puts his bandanna back on along with his usual smile, "Shall we continue"

"Sabre-" Alex was about to speak, but the human interrupted her.

"My feelings don't matter Alex, they never had so don't start carrying for them" Sabre said before he walked of, "Come guys, standing won't do us any good."

The two followed the human, both feeling extremely uncomfortable in the silence that they wanted, but regret it dearly. As night was falling they decided to stay in a cave until dawn arrived. Alex noticed how distant Sabre was to both of them as he decided to sleep away from them then she realized that he's been doing this for a long time. Once Sabre fell asleep Alex and Hypno talked.

"I forgot that Sabre was pushed into all of this" Hypno signed, "Rainbow told me about their adventures and I should have seen the warning signs"

"It's not just your fault, I wasn't as helpful. I think the only reason he's like this is because he's under a lot of stress and slowly breaking." Alex's voice cracked several times, "Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about him; only the stuff he told me about his adventures and that wasn't much."

Hypno let out a sign and glance to where the human was, "I wonder if anyone else noticed how distant Sabre was or how he felt about everything."

"I don't know" Alex started to cry, "But I'm scared that I will lose Sabre"

"I regret everything I said" Hypno said, holding his own tears back, "I only ever seen what Sabre had done wrong, but everything he did was to help those he barely knew."

They sat in silence before Alex fell asleep leaving Hypno the only one awake. The Steve quietly walk over to Sabre and when he got closer, he heard small whimpers. Once Hypno seen Sabre's face, he knew the human was having a nightmare and was shivering from the cold. Sitting down, Hypno pull Sabre onto lap so that his head was on Hypno's shoulder and held him close.

"Mmm" Sabre felt himself being moved, he looked to see it was Hypno, "Hypno?"

"Go back to sleep" Hypno said and started to pet his head making Sabre more sleepy, "I got you"

Sabre did as Hypno said since he was too tired to do anything. Feeling Sabre relax in his hold, Hypno held him tighter. 

'I'm sorry for hurting you Sabre so much, nothing I do will show how much I am sorry. You get the burnt of everything and get hurt the most. For now on, I'll help take on that burden that you carry. After this, I hope you find the peace that you deserve'  

That was Hypno's last thoughts before he fell asleep.

"Thank you"


Word count: 1182

Requests remaining: 23

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