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Void Steve x Time Steve

I know Galaxy created Elemental, not Void. Just go with it.

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Time sat alone where Elemental's base is, or was until it was destroyed after Elemental sacrifice himself. Ever since that day, Time would come here and remember who Elemental was and what he did.

"I wish things were different" Time mumbled. Him and Elemental were like brothers until their fallout.

"Maybe they can" A voice said causing Time to shiver.

Time turned to see a black hooded figure standing behind him.

"W-Who are you?" Time got into a defensive position. He wasn't a type of Steve to fight, but he will if he has to.

"Relax Time, I won't hurt you" He said as he walk closer to Time.

"How.. How do you know my name?" Time ask weary of the mysterious Steve.

The Steve stop an arm length away from Time, "I know a lot about you, Elemental told me a lot about you"

"Y-you knew Elemental"

"Yes and to answer your earlier question little one" Void put a hand on Time's cheek causing him to flinch, "I am Void, the one who created Elemental"

"Y-you created Elemental" Time gasp, "But you said-"

"I had no clue until a few weeks ago" Void explained. He wasn't really paying attention to what Time was saying afterwards, instead he was observing Time's body.

"Um V-Void" Time said when he notice the older Steve not paying attention, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Void hummed before answering, "Elemental description of you is very accurate."

"What do you mean?" Time tilted his head in confusion.

Void snake an arm around Time and pulled him close, "You are very cute"

Time blushed and started to fumbled over his words, but Void put a finger on his lips getting him to get quiet. 

"I see why Elemental was so fond of you little one" Void smirk. The finger that was on Time's lips traced down under Time's chin, getting him to look up.

"I also see why Galaxy was so fond of you before he lost his memories"

"You know Galaxy?"

"It seems you are the only one of the four of us who has no idea what is happening" Although Time was extremely confused and embarrassed, he couldn't help but think that Void is like Elemental - or the other way around: they like riddles.

"I don't understand"

"You don't have to, but at the end of today I'll have completed two things" Void look Time in his eyes, "Take something that Galaxy holds precious to him"

Void leaned in and hovered his lips over Time's, "And I will have you little one"

Time had no time to think before Void pressed his lips on his. Once his senses came back, Time struggle in Void's hold, but his attempts were futile and were becoming weaker each passing moment because of the lack of oxygen he was getting.

Void pulled away from a dazed Time who was panting and trying to get his head straight.

Void summoned a ball of black dust in the hand not around Time's waist, "Don't worry little one, you'll be safe", he then blew the dust into Time's face.

Time coughed before he collapse in Void's arms, "After all, both Elemental and Galaxy kept me away from you for such a long time little one. Now that I have you, my plan can continue without worry."


Word count: 583

Requests remaining: 0 

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