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Reverse Steve x FavremySabre

I think I made Reverse a bit yandere 

Also this goes for everyone I do not care how many one shots you ask for, this helps my anxiety a lot so go for as many as you want.

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Sabre, Lucas and Rainbow were cleaning up the Rainbow Town after several events. Though Lucas and Rainbow were extremely confused when Sabre started to say Rainbow was one place when he was somewhere else. Lucas thought he saw Rainbow somewhere he wasn't, but that was only twice; with Sabre it was several even though him and Lucas were next to each other. Eventually Lucas advice for Sabre take walk to clear his head which he took hoping that would help. 

As Sabre walk through the forest just outside the Rainbow Town, he couldn't help, but felt as though someone was watching him. A few times he thought he seen a figure that look like Rainbow, but taller.

"Rainbow? Is that you?" Sabre walk towards where he seen the figure last, "Rainbow come out"

There were footsteps coming running towards Sabre who didn't have time to turn when he was pinned facing a tree with someone right behind him. The person grab both of Sabre's wrists using on hand and held them above his head.


The person didn't saying thing until his mouth was over Sabre's ear, "You notice"

"N-Notice w-what?"

"Me, you notice me Sabre. I'm so happy after all these years, someone noticed me"

"Y-You were in the R-Rainbow Town. I t-thought you were Rainbow" 

Sabre felt a hand grip a chunk of his hair and tug on it.

"Don't mention him, you notice me and only me."

"I don't even know you! What do you even want?" Sabre pulled to get his hands free, but the Steve had a tight grab on him.

"You can call me Reverse and what I want is you" Reverse tilted Sabre's head and lick Sabre's neck getting a shiver.

"Why do you want me? We barely know each other."

Reverse chuckle and push himself closer to Sabre who now is pushed against the tree, "You notice me and that's all the reason I need."

Sabre flung his head back in hopes of hitting Reverse, unfortunately his head landed on the Steve's shoulder and Reverse made sure it stayed that way by placing a hand around his neck. Reverse let go of Sabre's wrists, he knew the human wouldn't move in this position.

"This is a better angle don't you think?"

Sabre gulped. Reverse then turned him around so they were face to face with his hand still on Sabre's throat.

"Yet I like this much better. You and that blonde notice me, that makes me happy. I'm going to take you two and make you my friends. Unless you want to be more" Reverse lick his lips at the last part, "Then I won't be lonely and Rainbow will."

"No!" Sabre yelled in panic, "I mean can't we all be friends?"

"No, you and the blonde are mine and only mine. Though since you notice me first, you'll be my first friend" Reverse smiled as he reach up Sabre's neck, "Though I need to make you your reverse self so you can live in my world"

"Please don't! I like it here" Sabre pleaded.

Reverse shook his head, "You saw me, you notice me so that means you want me. I'm going to make you mine, both of you"

Reverse was leaning to Sabre's neck and Sabre did the one thing he could do: punch Reverse and run.

The Steve felt where Sabre hit him and smiled, "I think I'll keep you the way you are, I like feisty ones. Soon we all will be friends and we will never be split apart. Though, you're going to be mine Sabre"        


Word count: 652

Requests remaining: 1

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