PlagueSabre Part 2

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It's been sometime since I came back here and I'm back to do requests. Unfortunately, the book I had that kept track of oneshots has gone missing in my pile of story books (I have 6 or 7 close to full no joke) and I only remember like 2 or 3 of them. So I'm basically reseating.

Warning: mentions of certain themes such as abuse

Requested by MelyC95Pinkcrystalwarrior


Lucas stared out his window, it has been almost a month since he last had contact with his cousin or boyfriend and he was getting really worried for the both of them. Usually Sabre would connect or visit him at least four times a week, even when he was dealing with everything and one else in the world. Same goes with his boyfriend, but less as they've kept their relationship a secret. Worry finally got the best of him so Lucas grab his bag (it's like an inventory) and heading to the portal that he and Sabre built to go back and forth. 

"uncle Lucas? Where are you going?" Light asked when he saw the blonde heading towards the basement where the portal was located.

"I'm going to Sabre's world" Lucas said, trying to hide his worry from the Steve.

"Can I come?"

"Um" Lucas tried to think of a good excuse.

"Daddy!" Thank to Notch that Silver came running to the basement.

"Silver!" Light grab his two year old son, "What have I told about coming here?!"

"Sorwy daddy"

Light signed then look at Lucas, "Can you say hi to dad for me? I have to keep any eye on this little guy"

"Will do"

"Thanks Uncle Lucas" Light smiled before he walked out with his son in his arms.

Lucas let out a sign, that was an arrow dodge. 

"I'm coming you two" Lucas said before he flicked the lever.


Meanwhile with Sabre, Plague had the brunette on his lap while he played his hair. 

A full month had passed since he confined his jewel.

Three weeks since Sabre cred

Two weeks since Sabre tried to escape after Plague.... punished him.

One week since Sabre shouted for Lucas or Rainbow to save him.

"Isn't this nice my jewel?" Plague asked in a sickly soft tone, "You and me, together forever"

The brunette said nothing, he just continued to stare off to the distance, his grey eyes no longer held the shine that they once held.

Plague nuzzled Sabre's neck, taking no note of the human's silence, "Your hair is getting long you know, it's almost pass your shoulders." The Steve then ran his fingers through Sabre's hair, "If it gets any longer, I might confuse you as a girl. But you are pretty no matter what my jewel"

Plague was about to kiss Sabre when he heard thunder and groaned.

"Rainbow" Plague called for the colorful Steve who was still under his influence.

"Yes Master?" Rainbow said entering the room.

"Check what the lightning was for"

"Yes Master" Rainbow said in a monotone voice before leaving.

Unknowing to both Steves, when he hearing thunder, the light returned to Sabre's eyes and a small smile appeared on his lips.


When Lucas arrived, he could already sense something was wrong. The once rarely quiet, colorful place now feels so dull. The blonde walk around the town in hopes to find someone, more towards to his cousin. Instead he was met with an uneasy feeling.

"Hault" A voice behind Lucas said.

The human recongized that voice immendently; however, it was not as he left it.

"Rainbow?" Lucas asked when he faced the Steve, just like the town, Rainbow seemed to have dulled in both physical and spirit term. 

"Who are you?" Rainbow growled.

"Rainbow, its me Lucas" He said as he walk closer to the other. 

The Steve glared at the blonde and pulled out an iron picaxe, "I do not know you, but either leave or else"

"What happened to you?" Lucas asked softly.

"Nothing that consers you" Rainbow growled, "I'm only going to tell you one more time to leave or else"

It was breif, but Lucas saw an expression flash across the multi color Steve: helpless.

"Rainbow, please. What happened to you? To this town? To Sabre?"

Again Rainbow growled and this time pulled out a sword then charged at the blonde who didn't look at him in fear. When the Steve was about to strike, Lucas side stepped then wrapped his arms around him. Rainbow froze.

"Please, Rainy" 

When Rainbow turned to face Lucas, his eyes widened when he felt pressure on his lips. A moment had passed before Lucas pulled away, but before he could fully pull away, arms wrapped around his waist.

"Rain-" This time it was Rainbow who started the kiss.

"Lu Lu" Rainbow breathed and cupped on of Lucas' checks, "My Lu Lu"

"Rainbow" Lucas said softly, "What happened here? It's been weeks since I heard from either you or Sabre"

The colorful Steve's eyes widen and proceed to tell the human what had happened while running to find the other residents of the town.


Plague was reading a book next to a shirtless and sleeping Sabre. Even though they have done this multiple times, the Steve never got tired of the pleasure that the human gave him. Now that Plague thinks about it, Rainbow should have reported what the thunder was about since it's been almost an hour. 


"Jewel, you awake?"

To answer Plague's question, Sabre open his eyes to reveal his almost lifeless grey eyes.

"Perfect" Plague put his book down then crawled on top of the human, "Are you up for another round doll?"

Knowing it was not a question, Sabre nodded knowing that if he refused than it would be worse for him. Before Plague could pull the covers, the Steve was hit by something, knocking him off the brunette. Sabre's eyes widened when he seen Rainbow and Lucas standing with weapons in their hands.

"Rainbow, take Sabre to the medical room" Lucas said in a low tone.

"Shouldn't I handle Plague?"

Lucas shot Rainbow a look meaning 'anyone who gets in my way will be kill, even you'. Not wanting to anger his boyfriend anymore, Rainbow gently picked up Sabre who winced from being sore and exit the room.

"You're going to pay for that!" Plague growled.

"No" Lucas faced Plague, "You're going to pay from laying a freaking hand my baby cousin!"

Let's just say, it is a known thing among Steves that when the humans are very close to cursing, they know they are pretty much screwed. Once Lucas was down, he glared down at Plague broken and beaten body.

"If I ever freaking find you again, you will wish that I would have freaking killed you. But for my light half's sake, I'll let you live for now" Lucas growled before exiting the room.


Word count: 1157

Requests remaining: 2

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