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Infinity Steve x Light Steve

Please see 'Quick note' in 'Forced yet Regretted' to know what a force mark is. I know Light does not have amethyst eyes, but I want him to. 
Also, I'm sorry for the beginning part, I need to set up the plot and an insane Infinity. 
Who doesn't love an insane Steve that will do anything, even force you, to be his once again? Anyone?

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Infinity was am extremely dangerous and powerful Steve, he destroyed many villages and ruined hundreds of lives. He was merciless, that was until he met the one person who became his whole world. 

The red/yellow Steve was walking through a village and watched as everyone who knew he was run from him, he loved seeing the fear he struck into them. Infinity continued to walk through the village until he bumped into someone. The Steve who bumped into Infinity was a young and an odd one: a pure white Steve with amethyst eyes.

The Steve apologized to Infinity before he ran off. For once in his life, Infinity was confused yet intrigue at the same time and decided to follow the odd Steve. It took him a few hours, but Infinity found the pure white Steve sitting under a tree within the forest. The red/yellow Steve walk to the other only to be stopped when he was inches away with an iron sword aimed at his neck. The amethyst eye Steve did not once break eye contact with Infinity as he stood up.   

"Who are you?" The Steve asked.

"Infinity and you?" 

The Steve, ignoring the question, then recognize Infinity, "You're that Steve I bumped into earlier. I hope you're not buttered" (I say that :P)



"No, I'm not angry about that. I just wanted to properly meet you"

The Steve looked into Infinity's eyes to see if he's lying and seen that he wasn't. Putting away his sword, the Steve fell to the ground. 

Infinity felt worried about the Steve and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine just tried" The Steve smiled and patted the ground next to him, "Want to sit?"

"Sure" Infinity didn't know why, but this Steve interest him so much.

The two talked for quite a bit before the pure white Steve had to leave, but they made a promise to see each other same time, same place for the next day. Only when the Steve left, Infinity realized that he never learned his name and told himself he needs to remember. However, the red/yellow Steve kept on forgetting each time the two met, but he the feelings he had for the Steve did not fade, they only grew. Infinity did not realize it, but he had fallen for the Steve and when he did, he promised to learn everything about the amethyst eyed beauty, especially his name. He did not know what made him fall for the Steve: his amazing smile, his beautiful eyes, the way he made him laugh or feel as though he could live like everyone else. No matter what, Infinity loved the Steve no matter what and wanted to be with him forever.

However, good things never last.

Word had got out that Infinity has been seeing someone, the reason why destruction has become less. Though no one could be happy with this, instead, many wanted Infinity gone so they went after his weak point: the amethyst eyed Steve. 

Infinity was going as fast as he could to get to his crush. Today was the day he was going to confess to his gem. When Infinity arrived, his heart broke.

Under their now burnt tree, Infinity's gem laid lifeless in a pool of his own blood. His once pure white clothes now stained with blood and his bright amethyst eyes were now lifeless. Infinity went mad that day and destroyed the village that killed his gem. Since that day, Infinity vowed to find and take his gem back.

And he did exactly that.    


(Years later)

Infinity did not expect to meet his gem once again in the town he took over after he ran the occupants out. But here he was, towering over his precious gem who looked at him with fear filled amethyst eyes. Light was just as beautiful as he was when they first met, probably even more.

Light just wanted to visit his friends in the Rainbow Town only to find it was in flames and a Steve he didn't know who knows him. Light tried to get away, but the red/yellow Steve prevented him from doing so by trapping him against the Rainbow Tree of Life and himself.

"My gem, my Light, you're back after all these years" Infinity smiled and lightly touch Light's cheek.

"W-who are you and how do you k-know my name?!" Light half shouted with the little courage he had.

"My gem, do you not recognize me?" Infinity frowned, "It's me, Infinity"

"Infinity?" Light asked more to himself. He recognized that name from somewhere, but where is the question.

"The Steve you met in the forest all those years ago" Infinity said to help jog his love's memory.

Light thought for a bit before his eyes widen and jumped onto Infinity to hug him.

"Finny!" Light smiled finally remembering.

"It's me gem" Infinity said smiling softly as he ran his fingers through the soft white locks, "Now we can be with each other forever"

Light pulled away and look at Infinity with confusion, "What do you mean?"

Infinity took Light's hands, "Light, I love you and I want us to be together forever"

"Infinity," Light pulled his hands away, "I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings"

"W-Why not?"

"Because I don't have the same feelings as you, I just want us to be friends like we were" Light smiled sadly. There is another reason, but he's not going to say it.

"Y-You don't love me" Infinity said more to himself then to Light.

Light put a hand on Infinity's shoulder, "I do, but not romantically. I hope you understand"

"Oh I understand" Infinity grabbed Light's wrist and pulled his arm back making Light come closer. That was when Infinity wrapped his other arm around the smaller Steve and held him there, "They made you forget. You do love, but they made you forget"

"I-Infinity! Let me go!" Light struggled, but he was too weak compared to the red/yellow Steve.

"No, no my gem. I'm going to make you remember" Infinity let go of Light's wrist to tilt his head to the side so more of the white Steve's pearly skin was exposed.

Figuring what Infinity was about to do, Light struggled even more.

"No no no! Infinity don't! This is wrong! I don't want to!" Light screamed.

"Don't worry my precious gem, it will only hurt just a bit" Infinity said as he neared himself to Light's neck, "I'll be gentle, I promise"

This was it, he was going to make Light his and his alone. No one will ever take his precious gem from him. Sinking his teeth past the marking point, Infinity force marked Light; the curliest thing to do to someone who was unwilling.

Light felt himself giving into the mark's influence, something he could not escape no matter what. He soon feel limp in Infinity's arms who smiled down at his love.

"You're mine my gem and nothing is going to separate us" Infinity whispered before he placed his lips on Light's head, "You're mine forever."

"Yours...forever" Light mumbled, his amethyst eyes were mix with red and yellow after say those words.

Light felt himself slip from reality and falling into a dream as the mark's influence wrapped itself around his mind and soul. He was Infinity's and Infinity was his.


Word count: 1280

Requests remaining: 19 


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