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Rainbow Steve x ThelSpike

Requested by Maggiebutton


Lucas glanced at Rainbow who sat on the run way that they and Sabre built a few weeks ago with a sad expression. The colorful Steve has been like this for a few days ever since Sabre left to fix some stuff in his world. The blonde knows that Rainbow was worried and upset, but this was something Sabre had to deal with alone.

"Rainbow" Lucas signed, "I know what and how you are feeling, trust me."

"But why didn't he want any help?" Rainbow ask.

Lucas chuckled, "This is Sabre's business, I usually deal with it, but he had to be there this time"

Rainbow signed and Lucas thought of a way to cheer up the sad Steve.

"Hey Rainbow" Lucas said with a mischief smile.


Lucas pushed Rainbow slightly then started to run yelling, "Tag!" 

It took Rainbow a moment to realize what Lucas did before he started to chase after him, "No fair!"

The two laughed as they chase each other around, tagging each other. They stopped when Lucas fell onto the ground laughing and panting for air. Rainbow stood over him panting and laughing too. 

The Steve pock Lucas, "I win"

"Curse you and your stamina" Lucas panted. 

Rainbow laughed and observed Lucas as he was catching his breath: his face was all red, his blonde hair that shined in the sun was messy and ...

"Rainbow?" Rainbow snapped out of his thoughts and look at Lucas who was now sitting up looking up at him with his bright blue eyes.

"Y-Yes" Rainbow stuttered. He was very thankful that his blush was hidden with his colors.

"Are you alright? You seemed a bit out of it. Are you tired?" Lucas ask worried that Rainbow pushed himself to far.

"I'm fine Lucas, thank you" Rainbow offered his hand to the human to help him up, but when Lucas put his weight on his legs they bucked underneath him. This lead him falling on his back pulling Rainbow on top of him.

"I guess my legs are made of jelly" Lucas signed and laughed.

"Y-yeah" Lucas hadn't knowtice, but Rainbow blushed at their position: Rainbow was sitting on him with his arms on his shoulders keeping Lucas on the ground.

 Lucas look up up at Rainbow and knowtice the odd expression he had, "Rainbow what's up?"

When Lucas tried to sit up, Rainbow would push him back down. Lucas was say something, but Rainbow wasn't paying attention, instead he focused on Lucas lips that moved with no sound.

"Rain- mph!" Lucas' eyes widen feeling a pair of lips on his.

Rainbow pulled away seconds later finally relizing what he had just done, "L-Lucas, I-I'm-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay" Lucas said trying to calm his friend.

"N-no it's not I-I"

"I don't hate you Rainow if that's what you think. In fact I kind of enjoyed to be all honest" Lucas smiled. To prove his point, he flipped them over so he was on top now. This time Lucas leaned down to kiss Rainbow who happily let him in and wrap his arms around Lucas'.

Lucas pulled away look away embarrassed, he didn't know what got into him that made him want to kiss Rainbow. He felt a hand on his cheek and look back at Rainbow.

"Hey, don't be embarressed. I enjoy it very much" Rainbow smirk and flip them around so he was back at top and kissed Lucas once again, "Though I enjoy this position much more"

Let's just say when Sabre came back he went into Lucas' house to make food for the two love birds since they were in their own world.


Word count: 621

Request remaining: 1

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