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Ultra Steve x FavremySabre

Ultra is his own Steve and can be summoned by light stone combine with rainbow stone.

Requested by Olisteve


Ultra was watching his two counter parts - Light and Rainbow - playing with each other along with the human Lucas. They just had a battle with Chaos and his counter parts - Reverse and Dark - since then Sabre has been finding a way to stop them or at least figure out what they are after.

"Hey Ultra" The combine Steve look to his side to see Lucas, "Can you check on Sabre? I have to watch the two and he's been working for a while now"

Ultra nodded and went into the Rainbow House.

"Sabre?" There was a loud crash upstairs.

"Sabre are you alright?" Ultra ask as he rushed up the stairs to see Sabre on the ground with parts and blueprints around him.

Ultra let out a sign and went to help the human up then help steady him since he almost fell since his legs were asleep.

"Thanks Ultra" Sabre signed as he went to pick up the parts on the ground. Ultra did nothing, but stare at Sabre who did not sound like his perky self.

"Sabre are you okay"

"I'm fine" Was all Sabre said as he went back to his desk to work, running his hand through his hair. The Steve look at the brunette worried, but he didn't know how to help so he went to the only person he knew who can help: Lucas.


"Lucas" Ultra sped walk over to the blonde near the stables.

"Oh hey Ultra, what's up?" Lucas ask noticing the worried look on the Steve's face.

"Sabre. When I asked if he was alright he said I'm fine in an un-Sabre voice" 

Lucas thought for a bit then ask, "Did he seem sluggish? Lack of energy? Room is a huge mess?"


Lucas let out a sign and ran his hand through his blonde locks, "Okay Ultra, Sabre has this thing calm insomnia, something that prevents him from sleeping properly. Right now he's stressing himself to no ends of Mincraftia."

"So what should I do?"      

"If you see him sleeping on his desk - which is what he usually does - then lay him down of his bed. If not then give him some warm milk"

Ultra nodded and went back into the Rainbow House to find Sabre sleeping on his desk as Lucas predicted. The mix Steve gently pick up Sabre bridal style and instantly Sabre curled himself into Ultra's chest. Ultra chuckle as he laid Sabre on his bed and was about to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Don't go" Sabre mumble half asleep.

"Sabre, you need rest" Ultra said and pat Sabre's head.

"Nooooo" Sabre wined, "I won't sleep unless you get in"

Ultra signed and got into the bed with Sabre who cuddle into his chest. The human feel asleep moments later snoring softly while Ultra smiled down at Sabre.

'He's cute when he is asleep' Ultra slung an arm around Sabre's waist and pulled him closer then kiss his head.


The next morning

Sabre woke up to the sun's rays in his bed.

"How did I get here?" Sabre then heard a chuckle above him and saw that he was laying on Ultra's chest.

"Ul-Ultra wh-?!"

"Morning" Ultra chuckle at Sabre's flustered faced.

"W-why are y-you in my bed?"

"Well you didn't let me leave yesterday and might I say, you're a cuddler" Sabre groaned and hid his head into Ultra's chest.

"This is embarrassing" Sabre said into Ultra's chest. 

Ultra didn't say anything as he wrap his arms around Sabre once more then kissed his head. Soon he started to fall asleep once again from Sabre's soft breathing with a smile on his face.


Word Count: 645

Requests remaining: 0

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