MarkSabre Part 2

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Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngelGalaxyChan6, Lydia608MelissaC2000FanGirlz22

I reread anything that dealt with this and Mark has been nothing but be extremely possessive towards Time. Just putting that out there. Also should I combine all of this into a sequel to 'Forced yet Regretted' or leave it as is?


Sabre woke up gasping for air, he didn't think he would make it out in time before Mark caught him. Even though he disappeared, he still heard what Mark said and that alone brought shivers down his spine. Sitting up, Sabre rubbed his face with his hands as he tried to comprehend what happened in his mind, but two thoughts always made there way in his head.

"Why is Mark after me and who is he referring as "princess"?  Those were the only questions that bothered Sabre the most as he and another are in danger as long as Mark is alive. Mark already declared that he was his puppet, he wants to get revenge on Elemental, has nothing really against Rainbow, wants to take him from Dark and Time...

Sabre eyes widen in realization: if Mark wants to get revenge on Elemental, then he'll go after his weakness which was only Time. Getting up quickly, Sabre screamed Dark's name knowing that he would hear. Within seconds Dark teleport in front of Sabre with Elemental with him, that's when Sabre realized Mark's plan. 

"Sabre what's wro-"

"Where's Time?" Sabre asked Elemental cutting Dark off, "Is he safe?!"

"Yes?" Elemental asked more than said, "I mean, after Dark called me, I tucked Time in bed and left"

Dark gave Elemental a confused look, "I called you? You were the one who called me"

"That can't be true then-"

"This was Mark's plan!" Sabre shouted suddenly startling the Steves.

"Sabre what do you mean?" Dark asked.

"He means that it was my plan to get you two away from those you hold dear" A voice that no one wishes to ever hear again said.

Sabre felt an arm wrap around his waist before he was pulled back into someone's chest.

"Let him/me go!" The Steves and human yelled.

Mark smirk at the Steves, not once looking away as he tilted Sabre's neck and ran his fingers over the mark Dark made, getting Sabre to unwillingly let out a soft moan. Dark was about to charge to the entity that held his phoenix, but was stopped by an unknown force, same with Elemental. The Steves struggle as Sabre watch helplessly after he gave up getting away from Mark.

"Look at you two struggle, it is such a wonderful show, don't you agree my puppet?" Mark said, his hot breath tickled Sabre's neck.

"No! Let them go Mark!" Sabre growled, "And what did you do to Time?!"

"Hmm, you caught on" Mark hummed and nuzzled his head in Sabre's neck, "but I don't expect any less from my puppet" 

"What have you done to my brother?!" Elemental growled hearing that Mark had done something to his brother.

"Oh nothing really, I'm just turning him into my princess, like I'm going to turn Sabre here into my puppet. Well, both will be my puppets, so I guess you'll be my puppet queen" Mark then chuckled, "That will be perfect! You'll be my queen, Time as my princess and I as your knight who saved you from these awful Steves!"

"You're insane!" Dark shouted.

Mark then grinned like a mad man, "Indeed I am, say goodbye to your dear phoenix Dark"

Sabre, Elemental and Dark's widend and struggled to get away from their restraints, but it was too late, Sabre was gone.


Sabre felt himself fall onto a bed then his wrists tied above his head. He felt the fabric of his bandanna slip away from his face.

"Don't!" Sabre said hoping that Mark would stop.

"Why shouldn't I? Those grey orbs that you have are something I can't resist." Mark said then pulled away the black fabric away showing exactly what the entity wanted: those light grey eyes that were widen in fear, "That's better isn't?"

"What do you want from me?!" Sabre screamed, "Nothing you have done makes any since! I know you want revenge on Elemental, but what is your obsession with Time and I!"

Mark, unaffected by the human's screaming, played with the brunette's hair, "Well it is true I want revenge on Elemental and a bit on Dark. And what better way then take the ones they care for, take their family. You were to be by Dark's side as you were to get married and Time was to be a child that Elemental recklessly handled. Besides revenge, I get a beautiful wife and an amazing child." 

"Why can't you be a normal person and fight!" Sabre groaned.

"I would, but this is more fun." Mark chuckled, "I promise you Sabre, you'll have the family that you want"

"This is wrong"

"Is it?" 

Mark didn't let Sabre answer as he placed his lips on the human. As first Sabre struggled, then he started to relax and fall into the rhythm. Mark's hand found their way under Sabre's shirt feeling that smooth skin underneath. Only breaking the kiss to pull off the white shirt before starting again, Mark felt every inch of Sabre, but he didn't dare to go lower.

"Answer me this Sabre, is this wrong?"

"Is *pant* what wrong?" Sabre asked. His mind was clouded and couldn't think the way he would.

"To give someone what they wanted all their life, but the only way to do that is to hurt them first"

"I-I don't know."

Mark got off Sabre and pulled the covers over him, "Go to sleep Sabre"

After kissing Sabre's head, Mark left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Only I can give them what they want: a family who loves you regardless and won't abandon you; a family who cares for you and won't use you as a scapegoat"


Word count: 979

Requests remaining: 17

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