NegativeLucas & PositiveSabre

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Negative Steve x ThelSpike
Positive Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by MelissaC2000

A two in one, human AU, Positive and Negative are twins with Positive being younger by a few minutes, Sabre and Lucas are brothers with Lucas being older.


Lucas and Negative have been dating since freshmen year and now they were in their junior year of high school. The couple was very popular as it was between two star athletes: Lucas played basketball while Negative played football. Since both sports had close to the same schedule, it wasn't hard to find time to spend with each other. As of late, Negative notices that his twin hasn't been himself lately: he spent more time on his phone than with his friends and according to the baseball coach since Positive is on the team, Positive seemed very distracted so Negative went to the only person he knew that could help.

"Lucas, I need your help" Negative shouted when he opened the door to his boyfriends house since had a key. The only reason he had a key was that Lucas was prone for panic attacks very often and his parents trusts Negative enough with a key in case he needs to get in. Also so he won't break a window again.

Instead of finding a blond boy, he was met with a boy younger than him with light brown hair and a bandanna covering his face.

"Uh, who are you?" Negative asked.

The boy tilted his head, before he jumped up from his seat and ran somewhere else in the house. Negative, being very confused at this point, ran after the boy only to find a room that had nothing on it and has been empty since he met Lucas now had decorations and a sign saying Sabre. Before he could think of it anymore, he heard the door open and familiar voice.

"Sabre I'm home!" 

Negative walk back to the room.

"Hey Lu" Negative smiled.

"Neg? What are you doing?" Lucas asked surprised since he wasn't expecting his boyfriend to be here.

Negative hugged Lucas, "I need your help, but I seen a kid here earlier and who's Sabre"

Lucas facepalmed, "Remember I told you I have a brother who went to live with my aunt. Well he came back to live with us"

Just as he said this, the said boy, Sabre, ran up to Lucas and gave him a side hug.

"Hey Sabre this is Negative, the guy I told you about"

Sabre waved before he checked his phone hearing it go off.

"Text from your friend?" 


"No offense, but is he mute?" Negative asked since he hasn't heard a sound from the younger boy.

"Selective, don't worry he'll be talking to you soon enough" Lucas promise, "And what did you need help with?"

"Well, my brother has been and I don't know what to do" 

"Have you talked to him?"


"Neg, talk to your brother then come to me" Lucas signed, "Some days I wonder if you just come here to see me"

Negaitve smirk and wrap an arm around Lucas who blushed, "Well I do love seeing that pretty face of yours. I can stare at all day, though there is something that is better than that." 

Before Negative could get closer, Lucas pushed him back.

"Not in front of my brother"

Sabre let out a soft giggle and then started to make a kissy face.

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