(2) TimeSabre

970 20 15

Time Steve x FavremySabre 

Requested by inksanslove229


Time didn't why, but he felt very weak and tired. It was strange why he felt this all of a sudden; he had just reconnected with his creator and spent time with him and Sabre. He tried to hide it from Galaxy and Sabre, but he should have known better than to hide something from the human. 

"Time, are you okay?" Sabre asked when he noticed that Time seemed a bit pale.

"I-I'm fine S-Sabre" Time cursed himself for stuttering.

Sabre did not believe the Steve, not one bit and was about to say something when Galaxy came over to ask Time to go fishing with him, which he accepted rather quickly. Sabre frowned, he knows something is wrong with Time, but he didn't know what so he just kept a close eye on him. 

(Some time later)

Time did his best not to fall on his knees, but he couldn't take it anymore. His legs buckled and was about to hit the ground if Galaxy had not catch him in time. 

"Time! Are you okay?!" Galaxy asked worried and when he didn't get a response, "Sabre!"

Sabre was making lunch for him and the Steves when he heard Galaxy yelled his name. Fearing that it was about Time, Sabre dropped what he was doing and ran to where the others were seen that his fear was correct. Galaxy held Time who was having a hard time breathing.

"Sabre, he just fell! I don't know what to do!" Galaxy cried.

The brunette took Time out of Galaxy's arms to observe him.

"Galaxy, get the med kit, a bucket of water and a cloth" Sabre told Galaxy who did as he was told.

"Time, are you okay?" Sabre asked trying to keep the young Steve awake.

Time look at Sabre with a hazy gaze, "I don't feel so good Sabre" (I almost teared up writing this part, any guesses)

"It's okay, I'll take care of you, just keep your eyes open" Sabre said as he held the now shaking Steve closer to his chest.

"S-Sabre" Time breathed, he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Time, come on stay with me." Sabre urged, "Come on kid, keep those eyes open"

"I love you" Time whispered before he passed out.

The last thing the young Steve heard was Sabre yelling for Galaxy before the darkness consumed him.


Time didn't know how long he's been unconscious, but when he woke up he noticed that he was in a bed and that Sabre sleeping on a chair next to the door. The last thing he remembered was him passing out in Sabre's arms and telling that he.... loves.... him. Blood rushed to his face, Time couldn't believe that he told Sabre that he loves him.

Time didn't notice that Sabre was awake as he was lost in his lost.


The said Steve snapped out of his thoughts and look up at Sabre who, for the first time since Time met him, did not have his bandanna on. Sabre walk over to the Steve and pulled him into a hug.

"I, we was so worried." Sabre cried.

"Wh-What happened?" Time asked hugging the human back.

"You passed out from a very high fever" Sabre explained, "You were out for three days, Galaxy and I took turns watching over you."

Time was surprised to hear that he was out for three days, but what surprised him the most was when he felt his shirt getting wet. Pulling away from Sabre, Time seen that he was crying.


"I was so worried" Sabre hiccupped, "I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up. That I wouldn't see those golden eyes. That I wouldn't-"

Sabre bit his lip before he continued, "That I wouldn't get to tell you how I felt about you"

"Sabre" Time put a hand on Sabre's cheek to get his attention, "I'm okay and I'm sorry for making you worry."

Sabre stared deep into Time's eyes then slowly leaned, Time did the same thing and before they knew it, their lips connected. Sabre got onto the bed and wrap his arms around Time's next as Time sat up, neither broke the kiss. Once they did break the kiss and realized their position, they blushed dark red: Sabre sat on Time's lap with his arms around his neck while Time had an arm around his back and the other hand on Sabre's cheek.

"T-Time, I-I love you" Sabre stuttered.

"I love you too Sabre" Time answered.

"Y-You do?"

"I told you before I passed out"

"I-I thought it was fever talking" Sabre responded. At first he thought Time shared the same feelings as him, but he doubted that since some people become delusional if they have a high enough fever.

"If it was then would I do this?" After Time said that, he reconnected his and Sabre's lips.

Once they pulled apart again, Sabre smiled then proceeded to lay next to Time; sleeping on a chair all night was not comfortable. Time wrap his arms around the human and pulled him close then both drift off to sleep.


Extra (I love these)

Galaxy glared at the Steve  next to him who just smirked at him. They just watch the whole interaction between Time and Sabre.

"Told you, Time would make the first move" The cloak Steve smirk.  

"Whatever" Galaxy scoff and started to walk away when he was pulled back.

"Come on, they can't be the only ones who can have fun Gally~" The Steve whispered in Galaxy's ear.

Galaxy moaned softly when he felt the taller Steve nip his neck. 


Word count: 937 

Requests remaining: 8

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