TimeSabre Part 2

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I realized that TimeSabre sounds like time saver

Requested by Olisteve


Time snuggle closer to the warmth near him, he didn't want to wake up anytime soon, but he had to. Though when he tried to sit up, he found that he couldn't because of the arms around him. Looking up he sees the sleeping face of Sabre who was quietly snoring. Memories of the day before came back and he couldn't have been happier that Sabre was there. Time notice that Sabre's bandanna was not covering one of his eyes. This was the closest he ever seen seeing Sabre's eyes and one of his down falls was curiosity.

"Sabre" Time whispered, "Wake up"

Sabre groaned, but open his eyes. When Time sees Sabre's eye, he could help but to gasp.

"Time? What's wrong?" Sabre sat up with Time following in toe.

Time didn't say anything as he reach for Sabre's face, specifically his bandanna. That's when Sabre realized his bandanna move up his face while he was asleep. Sabre grabbed Time's hands, stopping him from removing his bandanna.

"Don't" Sabre whispered.

"But they're pretty. Why do you hide them?" Time ask.

Sabre looked away, "Reasons"

Time frowned and lower his hands, "I'm sorry, curiosity is something I can't control"

"It's fine, but this is something I don't want anyone to see yet" Time reached up again for Sabre's bandanna and pulled it back to it's original place.

Sabre look back up at Time who smiled, "I respect you're decision"

"Thank you" 

Time pulled Sabre into a hug, nuzzling his head into Sabre's chest, "You helped me so may times, I guess this is way feel this way for you."

"What way?" 

Time pulled away and look up at Sabre, "This way"

The Steve put his lips on Sabre's for a small kiss then pulled away blushing.

"T-that way" Sabre stuttered not knowing what to say.

"I like you Sabre, a lot. You're nice and kind, you help every Steve no matter big or small." Time confessed, "You enjoy making others smile, I want to do the same thing"

Time wrap his arms around Sabre's neck, "I think that's why I'm drawn to you"

Sabre pulled Time on his lap and pulled him into a kiss that Time happily accepted. Time loves Sabre, the way he smells and how soft he feels.

When they pulled away, Time giggled, "I love you Sabre"

Sabre smiled and kissed Time's head then pulled him into a hug running his hand through the Steve's black hair.

"Love you too Time" Sabre said. 

Time smiled, ever since he met Sabre he felt a pull towards him and now he understands what that pull was.


Word count: 440

Requests remaining: 0   

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