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Human Overseer x FavremySabre

And fanboy Galaxy

Requested by AlissaNielsen


Sabre and Galaxy finished making a portal to get the Overseer out of the dimension he is trap in back to the Overworld.

"Alright Galaxy, I'm going through" Sabre carefully made his way from one side of the machine to the other. Soon he stop at the final door and opened it to see the Overseer.



The two gave each other a hug.

"You came back, you actually came back" Overseer cheered. 

"Of course I did, I promised" Sabre smiled then he remembered Galaxy, "Galaxy you can come through"

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes Galaxy" Sabre rolled his eyes and yelled yes. Once Galaxy got through, Sabre introduce him to Overseer. After some time Sabre then left the two so that can get aqainted to each other also to get away to think.  

Overseer watch as Sabre walk away, in a way, he was a little disappointed that he couldn't spend time with him. Galaxy notice the look on Overseer's face and grinned widely.

"Oh my Notch, you have a crush on Sabre!" Galaxy squealed. Overseer's face flushed red and look down in embarresment.

"And you're not denying it" Galaxy cheered.

"Yeah" Overseer mumbled.

"So what and how long you liked him?" Galaxy ask once he calmed down from his fangirling. Fanboying?

"Well apart that he's the first person I actually talk to in a long time; he's very kind and caring. He kept his promise to come back, he's the reason my heart jumps every time I hear him talk. Feeling the need the to make him smile when he's sad. Love when he laughs. The warmth I feel when we hug." Overseer said getting lost in his thoughts, forgetting that Galaxy was there.

Overseer went on and on about what he loved and like about Sabre until he heard Galaxy laughing. He gave the Steve a confused look who just pointed behind him. Overseer turn to see a stunned Sabre with his mouth open.

"Uh, how much of that you hear?" Overseer sweated.

"He's been there since 'I love how his light brown shine in the sun' " Galaxy said when Sabre didn't answer still stun.

"So almost everything" Overseer put his hands over his face then look at Galaxy, "Why didn't say anything?"

"To be honest I didn't notice him until three minutes ago" Galaxy shrug then a wicked grin spread across his face. He walk over to Sabre then pushed him into Overseer, who caught him, and then ran like no tomorrow.

Overseer glare at the direction that the Steve ran to.

"Um, O-Overseer" Overseer look down to see that he was holding a blushing Sabre close to his chest.

"Uh, Sabre, I, um" Overseer stumble over his words. 

"D-did you mean everything?" Sabre ask.

"Y-yes" Overseer studered.

He then felt Sabre cuddle into him chest, "It was very sweet"

No words could form for Overseer so he hugged Sabre, pulling him closer to him.

"I really do love you Sabre, you're the reason I can feel again. You're the reason why I know what it is like to not be alone." Overseer pulled back a bit and put a hand under Sabre's chin making him look up into Overseer's eyes, "You gave me a reason to live once again."

Overseer then connected his lips with Sabre who wrap his arms around his neck pulling them even closer.

They pulled away, but put their foreheads together and said the same thing at the same time, "I love you"


Word count: 598 

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