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FavremySabre x Blue Steve

Decided to continue Book 2

Requested by GalaxyChan6


Standing in front of Sabre stood Dark staring in front of him looking at him with those demotic red eyes. Sabre was frozen with fear as he was trap in a cage that Dark made unable to do anything. Meanwhile, Lucas was trying to find a way to get his mining ability back to help his friend and to defend against Dark.

Dark continue to stare at Sabre and pulled out something that Sabre couldn't get a good look at before water appeared to get rid of the lava. That's when Sabre saw Blue coming to his rescue and Dark disappeared.

"Lucas! Blue is here!" Sabre yelled.

"What?!" Lucas yelled coming back to the trap, "Wait can you break out?"

Sabre hit the bars with his pickax to find that he could, "Yes I can"

Lucas help Sabre break free from his trap and the two look over to Blue who just watch them. Sabre walk over and gave Blue a hug which Blue returned.

"Thank you Blue" Sabre smiled.

"You're welcome" Blue whispered as he hugged Sabre tighter.

Afterwards Sabre and Lucas dismantled the trap with the help of Blue who glanced at Sabre several times. Once they were done, Lucas went home in his world while Sabre put Blue back into the machine forgetting that Blue was able to get out in the first place. Sabre then went into the Rainbow House to get some sleep since the sun was setting and the day's events had drained him.

The moon was rising when Blue exit the machine once again and walk to the Rainbow House into one of the rooms. Blue walk over to the bed where a figure laid in sleeping soundly unaware that he was in the room. The Steve waited for almost an hour before he climb on the bed hovering over the human. Blue put a hand on Sabre's cheek who nuzzled into it this cause Blue to smile.

Blue traced a finger from same hand from Sabre's cheek down to his neck and up. At certain points Sabre groan and shiver then Blue leaned over and traced his tongue over those spots. He loves the sounds Sabre made, but he made sure to hold himself back from going over board. This wasn't the first time Blue has done this, in fact he's been waiting for the perfect moments when Sabre wouldn't wake up; a few times Blue was almost caught, but he was luckily.

All Blue wanted was to mark Sabre. Ever since he laid his eyes on the human, Blue has fallen for him more and more each passing day to the point Blue would sneak into Sabre's room just to touch him or to look at him. He was glad Sabre forgot he got out of the machine on his own so Sabre won't fix the machine preventing him from seeing him a night.

"I love you Sabre, I love you so much it is ridiculous. When I work up the courage, I won't have to wait until night just to look at or touch you. I can do it freely instead" Blue whispered. Blue softly put his lips on Sabre and kissed him. The Steve felt Sabre kiss back, but he knew the human thought it was a dream so Blue went with it enjoying feeling of Sabre's soft and sweet lips on his.

Blue pulled away missing the feeling all ready, but knew Sabre might wake up at any moment. Kissing the human's head once more, Blue left the room and back to the machine hoping the next night will come soon.


Word count: 615

Requests remaining: 1

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