(1) TimeSabre

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Time Steve x FavremeySabre

Requested by Killfun2005


Time fell onto knees, Elemental, his brother was gone. A simple misunderstanding years ago cost Elemental's life. Tears fell down his face and he hugged himself as though he would fall apart if he didn't.

"El, I'm so sorry" Time sobbed.

A pair of arms wrap around Time and pulled him into a hug. Time look up to see it was Sabre holding him.

"It's okay Time, let it out" Sabre spoke softly and ran his hand through Time's black hair.

Time broke down the moment he heard those words; he let out heart clenching sobs and clung himself to Sabre. Sabre just sat there holding Time knowing that he needed to let out everything that he's been holding back.

"I-I could h-have d-done more t-to help" Time hiccupped. His brother's death was his fault, he could have done more to reason with Elemental or anything to prevent from any of this from happening.

"Time, you did everything you could do. Elemental did this to protect you, he wanted to find your creators so you wouldn't be lonely" Sabre said.

Time look up at Sabre with his teary gold eyes, "B-But-"

"No buts Time, Elemental did what he thought was right" Sabre pulled Time onto his lap so both of them would be a more comfortable position. Time instialy wrap his legs around Sabre's waist and put his head onto his shoulder. 

"I want just my brother back" Time mumbled falling asleep in Sabre's hold. Sabre didn't say anything as he stand up still holding Time. He wasn't heavy at all, he weighs as much as a child does. Sabre carried Time back to his and Rainbow's house which was being repaired by Rainbow after Sabre told him to so he could comfort Time.   

When Rainbow spotted Sabre he ran over.

"Sabre, how is he?" Rainbow whispered seeing Time was asleep.

"Fine for now, but he's a little shaken up" Sabre said. He gently laid Time on a bed and went to leave, but Time clung onto him.

Sabre look over at Rainbow who gave him a nod then left the room. Once Sabre got into the bed, Time tangle himself with him and held him as though if he let go then Sabre would disappear. Sabre smiled at Time and kissed his head.

"Everything will be alright Time, you have Rainbow and I to look after you" Sabre's words had an effect on Time since he loosen his hold on the human.

"Thank you Sabre" Time mumbled.

"Any time, Time" Sabre kissed Time's head and fell asleep.


Word Count: 440

Requests remaining: 1

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