Posmare Part 3

512 5 3

This also has side of RedNeg

Requested by Maggiebutton

Warning: physical fighting


It felt as though a huge weight was lifted off Nightmare's shoulders after confessing his feelings to Positive. As of now the two were walking back to their village hand and hand as Positive giggled seeing Nightmare so flustered.

"Pos, stop" Nightmare groaned.

"Noooo you look so cute flustered" Positive whined.

Nightmare smirk, "Well I know something even cuter"

It was Positive's turn to get all flustered.

"B-Be quiet"

"Positive! Nightmare!" The two Steves turned to see Red running to them with a panic look.

"Red what's wrong?" Positive ask trying to calm the Steve.

"S-Some guys jumped Negative! He told me to get you!"

Positive let out a growl, "Where"

"N-Near the market" Red shook. He never seen Positive so angry as he ran to where Red told him his brother was.

"Wait Positive where are you going?!" Nightmare yelled.

"Anyone who messes with my brother messes with me!"

Nightmare grabbed Red and ran after Positive.

Once Nightmare and Red arrived they saw a crowd surrounding others who were fighting.

"Nightmare over there!" Red pointed over to where Positive was holding a badly beaten and barely conscious Negative. The two were glaring at a yellow, purple and a green Steve.

With great difficulty, Nightmare and Red manage to get to their boyfriends.

"Negative!" Red cried. Positive put his brother down for Red and then went over to Nightmare.

"Are you okay?" Nightmare asks.


"Oy we an't done with them" The Yellow Steve sneered.

The Green Steve walk up to Red and Negative with an evil grin on his face.

Red look up with pleading eyes, "Please don't hurt him, he needs to get to a-"

The Green Steve kicked Red away from Negative and started to hit him repeatedly.

"Be quiet you dumb, weak excuse of a Steve" The Green Steve growled.

"Red!" Positive yelled. He slipped away from Nightmare's hold to help, but he didn't make it far as the Purple Steve punch down and started to beat him up too.

"Pos!" Nightmare shouted an went to help, but the Yellow Steve held him back.

"Why are you even bother with these three, especially that pathetic excuse of a Red Steve.

"Let me go" Nightmare growled.

"Oh, come on, you know you can better than this and you know it"

Nightmare was about to say something when he heard Positive scream then let out a chock sob and that's when it happened: he snapped. He spun around and punch the Yellow Steve knocking him out. Nightmare then repeatedly punch the Purple Steve and didn't seem to be stopping until the Steve was dead.

"No one hurts and makes my boyfriend cry!" Nightmare growled.

The Purple Steve was covered in blood and bruises, Nightmare hurt him enough to even break some bones. But he was far from done, this Steve made the one he holds dearly hurt and cry. There seemed no stopping for Nightmare until,

"Night" The said Steve turned and saw Positive limping over to him while clutching his left arm, "Please stop"

Nightmare quickly got off the Purple Steve and hurried over to Positive as his legs gave out and caught him. The Yellow Steve held Positive bridle style and walk over to Negative who was cradling a badly beaten and unconscious Red with an evenly hurt Green Steve not too far from them.


The four of them went to the hospital where Positive and Negative were patch up quickly and were let go within a few hours unlike Red who had to stay overnight. After making sure Negative was fine to stay alone at the hospital, Positive and Nightmare walk around a bit.

"I can't believe that happened" Positive signed.

"All I have to say is that those three ought to get more than they're getting: Jumping Red and Negative then beating them plus you. They deserve worse"

"Luckily we're fast healers and Negative is helping Red" Positive then let out a sign.

Nightmare couldn't stand that look on Positive's face, Positive is someone who is always smiling and laughing.

"Hey, Pos"


"You want to go to that restaurant you like later tonight?"


"Because I want to take you out on a d-date" Nightmare stumble on the last word.

Positive smiled and hugged Nightmare with his one good arm, "This is why love you"

Nightmare hugged Positive back and kissed his head, "Love you too"


Word Count: 748

Requests remaining: 1

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