EvilShark Part 2

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Requested by Sworflame12MelissaC2000VanaTheDevilishAngel

I looked this up and I know Dark Steve is not part of Shark's Steve Saga, instead it's Evil Steve. To me they are the same just different names, so any of you who request Evil Steve x ???, I want you to know I will put Dark instead of Evil because I want to alright. Also Rainbow is from Shark's Steve Saga.

Sorry for being away for so long, haven't been in the best mental state, I'm still not.

Also, I was working on a new video with Light as a main character when I see Sabre posted a video with Light on the thumbnail. Nani the what?


It has been a few months since Shark and Dark found each other and they couldn't be anymore happier. Shark would visit Dark every chance he could for he was the only one who could cross without consequence. Dark couldn't cross because if he stepped foot on the angels' land for the amount of taintness he obtain had the chance of ruining it. They were not about to take the chance of Dark crossing so he had to wait for Shark to come. It was hard for the both of them, there were times Dark almost crossed the bridge because of the lack of contact of his small angel; luckily he had his friends who stopped him from doing so. 

Until one day were he couldn't stay away.

Dark was talking to Boss as they waited for their angels to arrive. Boss could go over the border, but he wanted to keep Dark company until Shark and Rainbow arrive. 

"So how have you and Shark been fairing?" Boss asked.

"Really nice, I'm so happy to finally have my small angle" Dark signed happily, "Was this like when you meant Rainbow?"

Boss chuckled and shook his head, "No, not exactly. I was in the angel's land for a meeting when I first met Rainbow. While I was extremely happy, Rainbow well, he ran from me. Then when I caught him, he started to attack me. But I do love my cute tsundere" (you don't want to know how long it took me find that word)

"So, he doesn't like you?"

"No, he loves me but he doesn't want to admit it." Boss then smirk darkly, "That gives me the excuse to tease him every chance I get"

"What have you-" Dark was interrupted when someone yelled Boss' name.

"Boss! Dark!" Rainbow came running to the two.

Both demons got up, when Rainbow says Boss' name then something important was happening.

"What's wrong Rainbow?" Boss asked.

"I-It's Sh-Shark!" Rainbow panted, "H-He's g-getting hurt by some angels and d-demons!"

(Not all angels are innocent)

Dark was about to move, but Boss stopped him.

"Let me pass Boss" Dark growled, his angel needs him.

"No, I'll handle this" Boss said, "We don't want to risk ruining the angels' land"

It took everything in Dark to not push past Boss to get to his angel and a lot more as he watch the angel-demon pair fly away. Clenching his fists until his nails broke the skin and blood dripped onto the ground. At times like these, he wished he never did what he did when he was alive. Dark was about to go home until he heard.


Dark's eyes widen and stopped him in his tracks when he heard Shark's screams echo in his head. 

'Help me'

That was something he could not ignore: the pain filled screams of his innocent angel. Ignoring the concequences that his next action, Dark step foot on the angels' land, alerting everyone of his presence. Though he didn't care as he flew the direction he watch Boss and Rainbow go.


Shark was curled in a ball, whimpering from the hits that the two angels and demon dealt on him. Boss and Rainbow were doing their best to defend the injured angel, but it was a two vs three and Rainbow does not have much experience in combat. 

"Give up?" The female angel asked smirking a the three on the ground.

Rainbow laid unconscious next to Shark who was holding on him out of fear, Boss panting and covered in injuries, but was ready to protect his angel and Shark. The injured was about to speak when he felt an aura that he never expected to feel in the angel world. Everyone felt it as well, but only Rainbow, Shark and the demon knew who it was.

"Guys, we need to go now!" The demon warned his friends, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Don't be such a scary ocelot" The male angel told his friend, "It's probably an angel coming back"

"Run" Boss said knowing that the demon would take it and he did.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" The female yelled.

The two angels were about to chase their friend when they were meant by an extremely ticked demon.  

"W-Who are you?" The female angel asked fear filled as she and her friend shook from the aura that the demon gave off.

"You're going to pay for laying a finger on my angel" Dark growled. His eyes were no longer their black color instead they were bloody red.

Dark grabbed the two and chuckled at their attempts to get away as the taint from him spreads onto them. Boss was frozen on the spot and could only hold Rainbow as he watch Dark turn the two angels. As for Shark, he look up when he heard Dark's voice and when he seen what was happening, he knew he had to stop his demon. Using what strength he had, the angel got up and limped until he was below the three.

"D-Dark" Shark crocked. He throat was raw from his screaming and it hurt so much, but he knew he had to endure it for everyone's sake, "Dark!"

The angry demon, hearing the voice of his angel, let go of the angels before he floated down next to Shark. The angels ran away, not wanting to be tainted anymore. Shark then felt his legs give out and before he could fall onto the ground, Dark caught him and held him up.

"Shark?" Dark whispered.

"I'm glad you're back" Shark said with a small chuckle and tried to hug the demon.

"What happened?"

"You went insane Dark, you almost turned two angels"

 "I don't remember anything" Dark signed, "I just remember you calling for me then everything went dark"

"I guess" Shark breathed and felt himself slip from reality, "I guess you..."

Feeling the angel in his arms go limp, Dark picked him up bridal style and walk over to Boss and Rainbow.

"Boss I-"

"Take him home" Boss smiled at his friend, "I'll take care of everything here" 

"Thank you" Dark then flew away to his home, still curious about what happened to him, but put those thoughts aside as he focus on his angel in his arms.




'You shouldn't have come Sharky'

'Help me!'

'Now it's your time die'


Word count: 1170

Requests remaining: 18

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