InfiniteLight Part 3

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Requested by Galaxyplays2


"Get your hands off my son!".

Infinity look over to see the Nightmare King and the Dark Prince growling at him. Light look at the two in confusion.

"Infinity, who are they?" Light asked. The red and yellow colors were becoming more dominant with every passing moment.

Infinity pulled Light closer to him, "No one my angel, just some people who should just leave."

"We're not leaving without my brother" Dark growled, gripping his sword tighter.

"Brother?" Light whispered then his eyes widened, "Dark...Dark!"

The white Steve tried to get out of the mix colored Steve, trying to get to his older brother. Infinity growled while the others two Steves smiled at their son/brother and yelled for him to continue to fight; unfortunately, Infinity knew a way around this. Put a hand over Light's eyes, Infinity made his angel bare his neck and lightly graze the mark with his teeth.

"Who do you belong to my angel?" Infinity asked, not taking his eyes off Nightmare and Dark for one moment.

"You" Light breathed, "I belong to you Infinity"

Oh, how the older Steves wanted to take the younger away from the insane Steve; however, they couldn't while Infinity had Light in front of him. Furthermore, they did not want to fight right in front of Light, not if they didn't have too.

"You see Nightmare, Light belongs to me. He's no longer your son, but my angel." Infinity chuckled.

"Dad" Dark's eyes widened, he recognized his younger brother's actions, "He Forced Marked Light! You ******, you Forced Marked my innocent little brother!"

It was one thing to mark someone, it was another to force mark some someone. Nightmare was angry when he learned of his youngest being kidnapped, but now he is ****** learning that he is now a puppet.

"Language" Infinity chuckled, he had covered Light's ears when Dark was talking, "The innocent shouldn't here such words. What example are you setting towards little Light?"

Dark flinched out of habit, but then smirk when he noticed something around Infinity. Nightmare was confused at his son's expression, but when he seen what he was looking at, he smirked as well.

"I'm sorry about my language, but I'm not sorry for this. Now!"

In less than a second, both Light and Infinity were frozen and in that second Infinity knew what it was from. Surrounding Infinity's throne was redstone and the only ones who knew how to work redstone without getting trap are the humans. And his theory was proven right when Sabre appeared next to Dark.

"So, you teamed up with the humans?" Infinity questioned, glaring at Sabre.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Sabre said, "You better give up Light before Lucas gets here"

"And why should I?"

Sabre shrugged, "You'll find out" *Looks at Dark and Nightmare while taking out a remote control* "Grab Light"

The two didn't have to be told twice, once Sabre pressed a button on the remote, the redstone connection broke, letting the trap Steves go. Dark grabbed Light while Nightmare dealt with Infinity.

"Come on Light, we're getting out of here" Dark said pulling his brother away.

Light, seeing Infinity being attacked, fought Dark, "Let me go!"

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