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Got the idea from this amazing video made by LeaTheDragonLight.
Book 3 should be coming out with the next request. 
Also whoever requested for Good Virus x Sabre and Bad Virus x Sabre, please tell me who you are, I forgot who requested them.


Galaxy and Rainbow were face to face with Void who held a weapon against the back of Sabre's neck. The human's hands were tied behind his back and there was a spike going through his shoulder.

"Are you ready to give up?"

Rainbow looks worriedly at Galaxy who had a determine face. He didn't want to fight, but there wasn't much of an option as Void held Sabre's life in the palm of his hands 

"Galaxy, what should we do?" Rainbow asks.

"We need to work together" Galaxy said then faced Rainbow, "Leaned me your powers Rainbow"


"It's the only way to save Sabre" Galaxy says pointing their friend who didn't seem to be doing so well.

Rainbow felt tears pool in his eyes, it was his fault that Sabre was like this.

"Have any last words to say?" Void asked Sabre.

"D-Don't give up" Sabre said weakly.

"Rainbow, please" Galaxy held out his hand, "Do this for Sabre"

The colorful Steve's faced filled with determination and took Galaxy's hand, "For Sabre"

Rainbow turned into the Rainbow Pickaxe. Galaxy turns to Void and glared at his counterpart.

"Let this between you and me Void"

Void glare back, "Have it your way then"

The hooded Steve turned Sabre into a red orb and moved it out of the way. The two Steves got into their fighting positions and Galaxy made the first move. Void block his attack with his sythe and attack the starry Steve in the air, but Galaxy blocks it with the pickax and landed on the ground. Galaxy then block several attacks from Void before he manage to land an attack of his own. Galaxy barely dodge an attack that would have cut his head off, but was unable to defend himself when Void kick him in the abdominal, sending him flying a few feet.

The two continued to trade attacks until Void caught Galaxy off guard by teleporting behind him. The hooded Steve then sent Galaxy flying before crashing him back to the ground hard.

"You lost Galaxy" Void said.

Void summoned the orb he turned Sabre into.

"Sabre" Galaxy whispered, he had fail to save him.

The darker Steve turned to leave, but was stopped when Galaxy called out to him.

"Void! Please wait, you don't have to do this." Galaxy begged, "Think of all the times we were together, did that mean anything to you"

(I don't know if the flashbacks were an 'what-if' where Void hanged out with the or he actually hanged out with them so I'm going with the latter)


"I caught a pufferfish!"

"How did you do that?"

"I'll show you, just watch me"


"Sabre, I found your family"

"Um, Void, I'm not an actual  chicken"

"Big chicken"

"Purple thinks you are"


"Get back here Galaxy!"

"No thank you!"

"Does this always happen Sabre?"

"Most days"

"Big chicken"


"Save me Void"

"Oh come on! That's not fair!"

"You two are such children"

"But you loves us like this right?"



Flashback over

Void stopped walking and put his weapon on his side. Being with them was fun, something he hasn't done in a long time. Galaxy puts his hand on Void's shoulder.

"Void, please, give me Sabre and we'll go home. Everything will be fine" Galaxy said softly.

Suddenly, Void finds himself in a black void. Origin, looking very angry, walks towards him.

"Origin please I-" Void didn't get to speak when the ground below him shattered and fell through.

The next thing found seen were chains appearing everywhere, some wrapped themselves around him. Then Origin's voice ran through his head:

"Finish the mission"

Void couldn't move, the chains render him powerless. He thought this was the end as Origin is strong than him, but the thought of him destroying the only people who showed him what it means to have family and friends. That gave him the determination to free himself from Origin's grasp. No longer will he serve for this Steve. That's when Void heard it, Galaxy calling out to him. Gathering the strength that he has, Void break free and reach out for his freedom.

The next thing Void knew, he was being hugged by Galaxy. He had return and got his freedom. Void dropped his weapon on the ground and held out the orb to Galaxy.

"Here" Galaxy look at him in surprise.


"Void!" Origin shouted and started to summon.

Quickly, the hooded Steve pushed Galaxy away and took the direct hit slamming him into a wall.

"Void!" Galaxy shouted watching the other fall onto the ground.

"Such a useless Steve" Origin growled, "Guess I have to finish this myself."

Galaxy watch as Origin flew up in the (I noticed when he was floating you could see his shadow as though he was still on the ground).

"Be gone!" Origin shouted, taking aim at Galaxy.

The starry Steve turned away, waiting for the blast. What he didn't expect was for Void to teleport right in front of the attack.

"Void! What are you doing?!" 

A portal opened under Galaxy.

Galaxy reach out, "Wait, Void don't!" 

"Keep them safe Galaxy" Void smiling was the last thing Galaxy saw before he went through the portal.

"I'm sorry"

Galaxy, Rainbow, and Sabre fell into a river(?).  Rainbow swam over to Sabre who was still under water and pulled to the surface. Galaxy swam to them as Rainbow pulled Sabre onto the Sabre.

"Sabre, are you okay?" Rainbow ask.

"I-I'm fine, what *cough* happened?"

"Void" The two look at Galaxy, "he sacrifice himself for us. He protected us from Origin's attack"


Word count: 906

Requests remaining: 17

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