VoidSabre Part 2

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Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngelPrismTheStarPinkcrystalwarriorFanGirlz22JanaFedonstevesagasabre

I don't think I'm missing anyone and I think this tied with Forced yet Regretted in requests. Speaking of which, Book 2 of that is coming out soon, maybe this week if I feel like it.


One year. 

Twelve months. 

52 weeks. 

365 days. 

That's how long Sabre has been gone, that's how long Rainbow and Galaxy been look for their friend or any sign of him. No one they met heard or seen the human or the Steve who took him, both seemed to have disappeared off the face of the Overworld. Even the Nightmare King hasn't seen them. He was looking for Void when he met the good Steves, now they have a truce until they are found. News of the human savior missing spread fast and everyone was on board to find him, unfortunately, Sabre won't be found unless Void wants them to be found.


Void was awoken feeling his bed dip, knowing who it was, the Steve grabbed the person's arm and pulled them on top of him.

"Hello angel" Void smiled.

"Morning Void" Sabre giggled and cuddled into Void's chest.

In a year, a lot has changed with Sabre, most of the thanks goes to Memory, one of Void's creations. Both Memory and Void slowly made Sabre forget his friends and his adventures to the point Sabre became innocent minded and really dependent on Void. Certain memories were difficult to get rid of when they included Lucas, who Void wanted Sabre to remember as the blonde was in the same position as the brunette. 

"What are you doing up so early?" Void asked petting Sabre's hair.

"Couldn't sleep" Sabre whined, "and I know that you were awake by now"

"I see, is there anything you wish to do today?"

Sabre thought for a moment, then hesitantly ask, "C-Can we go o-outside?"

Once the question left Sabre's mouth, the next thing he knew was his back on the bed and Void towering over him. The Steve had Sabre's wrist in a tight grip making the blindfold boy whimper out of pain.

"What did I tell you about the outside world?" Void asked, keeping his voice steady, trying not scare the human anymore than he already has.

"Th-That it was d-dangerous and there are p-people who would h-hurt me" Sabre answered then let out a sign in relief when Void loosen his grip on his wrists.

"Good boy" Void used one of his hands to cup one of Sabre's cheeks, "You know I want to protect you, right?"

"Right and I'm sorry Void."

"It's fine, but you know what you can do to make it up"

In response, Sabre tilted his head to reveal his neck that was covered with bruises. Void has been marking Sabre since he was first brought here, it was a sign that he belonged to Void and Void alone. The Steve slowly lick Sabre's neck, bringing a shiver out of the brunette then Void started to bite where the fading marks were. While this brought pleasure to Void, it brought Sabre both pain and pleasure, but for all he knows, this was suppose to happen.

"V-Void" Sabre whimpered.

"Don't worry angel, I won't do anymore today. I know your neck is sore" Void chuckled, "Let's change you out of these clothes, shall we?"

When Void got up, Sabre held out his arms, signaling that he wants to be picked up by the older. Smiling, the Steve complied and picked Sabre up as though he was a child then heading to Sabre's room. Once they got there, Void let Sabre down and sat on the bed while Sabre went to change clothes. About everything in Sabre's closet was pure white with the occasional green or a small amount of black. As Void said before, Sabre is an angel, so his clothes must match his purity.  

"Which should I wear Void?" Sabre asked pulling out an oversize white shirt with a green trim and a white shirt with a green jacket.

"How about that" Void pointed to the oversize shirt which Sabre went to change into in the bathroom the attach to his room.

When Sabre left, Void's face let out a dark chuckled. His adorable angel, all his and his alone. Voids knows that Sabre's former friends and enemies were in search of him, but they'll never find them. Not now that Sabre doesn't remember a single thing about them. All the human knows is that Void has always be there with him, Lucas is in another world and that the outside world is nothing but a cruel place. It's so satisfying that any traces of this world's taint no longer appears on Sabre.  

Void was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a loud *thump* from the bathroom.

"Angel? Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, just dropped something"

What Void did not expect was for the door to slam open, hitting him in the face and for the human to run away. Void growled, Sabre's memories must have surfaced again. This wasn't the first time Sabre to suddenly get a flash of his memories and tried to escape Void. No, this happened multiple times when he and Memory started to erase his memories, but it became so rare that Void forgets sometimes. Sending a mental message to Memory, Void ran after the angel he wouldn't let go so soon. 

"You can't run from me angel!"

Meanwhile with Sabre, he manage to get a good amount of distance from him and the crazy Steve when he heard him yelling. He had yet to understand what was happening, but some how he remembered that this was not how things are suppose to be and ran as far as he could. If he could find a way to the outside, then someone would feel his energy as this place was blocking it. Just as he found a door that might lead him outside, a Steve appeared in front of him.

'Don't look' A voice told Sabre, which he did.

When the brunette went to run the other way, someone wrapped an arm around his waist and picked him up.

"Let me go!" Sabre thrashed, "I want to go home!"

"But angel, you are home"

"No! I want Rainbow and Galaxy! Not you!" Sabre shouted, not realizing what he said.

Void frowned, "It seems you need another memory wipe"



With no warning, Void ripped Sabre's bandanna making the human snap open his eyes from the surprise and that was his downfall. It only took a moment for Memory's power to take affect on the human. 

"Who...?" Void then summoned a small ball of black dust that he put in front of Sabre's nose making him pass out.

"Good job Memory" Void said, looking at the sleeping boy in his arms.

Memory then pulled out a bottle of pills and handed to Void, "In case this happens again and I'm not here." 

 "Thank you." Void said taking the bottle,  "You may leave now"

"Yes master" With that Memory teleport away.

"Oh my angel" Void chuckled as he walk back to his room, "You are stuborn, but I'll continue to make you forget until you no longer know those names. You belong to me and me alone. The only name you should say is mine as you have no one, but me"


Word count: 1240

Requests remaining: 5

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