Elemental and Time

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Young Elemental Steve and Young Time Steve

I don't know why, but I can't help to make Time an innocent bean, I don't know why people


A young Time was currently sitting in a tree, hiding form his brother Elemental who was not far from him.

"Where are you Time? Come out where every you are." Elemental called out. Him and Time were playing hide and seek and Elemental was seeking his younger brother.

Soon Time saw his brother walking below him, it was hard to stop the giggles that Time wanted to let out, but didn't.

"Time, where are you little brother?" Elemental walk away from the area.

Once Time couldn't here Elemental, he climbed out of the tree and went  to find another hiding spot. However once he reached the grassy ground, plants wrap around Time, trapping him.

"Found you little brother" Elemental laughed as he came out behind a cluster of trees.

"No fair El!" Time pouted. 

Elemental made the plants lift up Time and put him in his arms. Time crossed his arms and gave Elemental a pouty face.

"Don't give me that look little one" Elemental chuckle. 

Time let out a sign, "Why do you, Gal, and Void call me that?" Time ask as Elemental started to walk to their home.

"Because you are the youngest of us guardians of this world" Elemental somewhat explained.

"But 'little one' really?" Ever since Time could remember, he was first called 'little one' by Void, then Galaxy then Elemental joined a year ago.

"You're too young to understand now, we'll tell you later" 


"I promise" Elemental said. Even though he can't because he just calls Time 'little one' because of their guardians did so.


"Yes Time?" Time jumped out of Elemental's arms yelling tag and running from his brother. Elemental was confused for a moment, but then started to chase the younger one. Both Steves giggled as they ran towards their home. Time wasn't paying attention when he tripped over a root and started to roll down the hill to a cluster of rocks.

"Time!" Elemental yelled, running to help his brother.

Time almost hit the rocks, but someone caught him.

"What are you doing little one?" Void ask as he picked up Time with ease.

"Time are you alright?" Elemental ask once he reached his brother and one of their guardians.

"I-I'm f-fine" Time shook reaching out for Elemental. Void didn't want to give Time away, but he needed his brother's comfort.

Elemental rock Time back and forth getting him to calm down then fall asleep.

"Elemental" Void said, "What happened?"

"He tripped and fell Void" The darker Steve nodded and told Elemental to bring Time back home before he teleport away.

Elemental signed and look down at his sleeping brother, "We're just kids, we shouldn't be dealing with this stuff. One day we'll be free from this junk and have fun"

Along the way to their home, Time woke up.

"El?" Time mumbled

"Morning sleepy head" Elemental chuckle.

"Guess what?" Time ask looking up at his brother with childhood innocent and mischief.


"Void's it"


Word count: 527

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