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Boss Steve x Emkay (Emma)

Human AU

Sorry for going MIA, but I just finished two Steve Saga videos and one will be posting within a few days, that is if I remember.

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Emma could not stop smiling as she was looking for an outfit for her first date with her first boyfriend. She still couldn't believe that Boss asked her out earlier this week.


Emma was sitting with Nathan and Moose (*cough* unmooseable *cough*) and the three were waiting for Shark and Rainbow to come in. What they didn't expect was to see Shark walking in with Rainbow and Boss. 

"Hey everyone, this is Boss, Rainbow's cousin" Shark introduced with a smile.

"Hello everyone" Boss said in a mannerly way.

Rainbow rolled his eyes at his cousin then grabbed Shark and sat down with him in his lap leaving the only sit next to Emma who was avoiding any eye contact with Boss as her face was flushed light red.

"Excuse me" Boss said to Emma and pointed to the set next to her, "Is this set taken?"

"N-No" Emma stuttered.

"Thank you" It was a tight squeeze when Boss sat down so him and Emma were touching shoulder to shoulder.

"Awe, look Nathan, Em's got a crush" Moose smirk finally noticing Emma's flushed face.

"Looks like you got a looker cous" Rainbow snickered.

Both boys were then slapped by their boyfriends and were told to shut it. 

Boss chuckled and put an arm around Emma, pulling her close, "In her defense she does look cute" (I'm horrible at flirting and stuff)

Over the next few weeks, Emma and Boss would hang out a lot and mostly it was him flirting with her. Until one day when Shark and Rainbow forced Emma and Boss into a closet, locked them in and demanded for Boss to ask Emma a question which the boy knew exactly what the two meant. Boss was so nervous and he was thankful that Emma said yes.

After that they got their revenge on Shark and Rainbow who claimed it was all Shark's idea. 

Flashback end

"Em you good?" Shark called out to his friend on the other side of her door.

"I'm fine Shark. I'm just very excited" Emma said with a hint of nervousness as she opened the door to find Shark and Nathan on the other side.

"Don't worry about it Em, Boss will like you no matter what you wear" Nathan smiled.

"Says the guy who went through his whole entire closet looking for something to wear on his first date for the next hour and a half" Shark glared, "Then went through my closet resulting in a total mess that took me until midnight to clean up."

Nathan blushed in embarrassment. Emma giggled, this is why she's their friend: they know how to cheer her up.

"Oi, a handsome guy is here with flowers and Boss is here" Rainbow yelled.

"Ha! He called you ugly Boss" Moose laughed.

"*sigh* Thanks for the complement Rainbow" Boss huffed.

Shark and Nathan came down the stairs with Emma right behind them. Before Boss could get a look at Emma, Shark turned him away.

"Okay here's the rules buddy" Shark said in a serious tone, "Her curfew is 10 o clock sharp, no later young man. Also keep your hands to yourself, I do not want to see you getting handsy with her at all. Got it"

"Yes sir" Boss smiled.

"And if you hurt her, then you'll have to deal with us" Nathan growled and Moose gave Boss a hard look.

"Okay when did you turn into my dad and you two my protective older brothers" Emma groaned.

Rainbow put a comforting hand on Emma's shoulder, "I'll hold your pa and brothers back, any ways you kids have fun"

Rainbow then pushed Boss and Emma out the door, "And remember, no babies" 

Emma blushed red as Boss chuckled.

"Shall we?" Boss held out his hand for Emma who took it and walk together.

"Sorry about that" Emma apologize.

"It's nothing, you should have seen when I took Rainbow over to Shark's house to drive them to the theater a few years back. Shark's mom is one protective lady. Also, might I add, you look very lovely tonight"

"Th-Thanks, you lovely, I mean cute, I mean hot, I-" Emma fumbled over her words.

"Thank you love" Boss smiled. He found Emma absolutely adorable when she's like this.

"So, um, where are we going?" Emma ask after several minutes of walking.

"Well, I figure we can get some ice cream and get to know each other better" Boss said.

"That's sounds nice" Emma smiled.

The two talk all the way to the ice cream parlor were Emma got cookies 'n cream and Boss got mint ice cream (those are my favorite along with vanilla). Then found a place to sit to talk and eat. 

"And that's how Moose found Nathan in his moose onsie" Emma laughed at the end of the story along with Boss.

"Those two are an interesting duo" Boss chuckled, "Hey, you got some ice cream on your face"

"Where?" Emma wiped her face for the said ice cream. 

"Right" Boss put his lips on the corner of her lips, "There"

Boss smiled as Emma blushed red. 

"Uh um I um"

"Love you too Em"


Word count: 898

Requests remaining: 0

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