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Galaxy Steve x Time Steve

This was before Galaxy met Sabre and has his memories

Requested by Classicgalixy


Galaxy walk angrily out of his 'best friends' house after him and Void had a huge argument.

"Void, he doesn't get it" Galaxy grumbled as he walk on a mountain kick rocks out of anger, "He's to hard headed to listen"

Galaxy kick the rock hard enough to make it fly one direction. He was going to continue walking until he heard a yelped. Rushing to the direction he kick the rock and found an old friend of his on the ground.

"Time!" Galaxy yelled and ran to the smaller Steve who laid unmoving. Galaxy inspected Time to see a trail of blood coming from his head.

"Come on Time, wake up" Galaxy said as he cleaned Time's wound luckily it wasn't life threatening.

Soon Time woke up sitting in Galaxy's lap while Galaxy running his hand through his black hair.

"Galaxy?" Time mumbled. 

Galaxy smiled down at Time, "Hey little one, how are you?"

"My head hurts" Time mumbled as he snuggle into Galaxy, "Warm"

Galaxy chuckled and pulled Time closer to him, "Do you remember what happen?"

Time shook his head and Galaxy explained what happened.

"So you kick a rock out of anger and it hit me knocking me out" 


"Why were you angry?"

"Bad day" Galaxy shrugged. He couldn't tell Time the really reason, Void would become even more hard headed and Time doesn't need to be involved with his and Void's matters.

"Are you sure?" Time ask. Galaxy kissed the top of Time's head and mumbled 'yes' in his hair.

Time frowned knowing that there was something wrong with Galaxy. On the other hand, Galaxy notice the look on Time's face and knew he had to get Time to focus on something else. 

So what's the best way to distract a young Time?


Galaxy started to tickle Time getting to giggle then laughing to the point his chest hurt.

"Gal! Stop please! I-I can't breath!" Time laughed. He tried to get Galaxy, but he wasn't as ticklish as Time.

Time tried to escape but ended up on the ground with Galaxy on top of him. Eventually Galaxy stop to let Time breath, every so often he would let out a giggle.

As Time calmed down, Galaxy look at their position and blushed light purple: Galaxy was straddling Time's waist who was panting below him with his hair all messy. Time look up at Galaxy to see his flustered face.

"Gal? What's wrong? Do you have a fever?" Time lifted his hand to check, but Galaxy grabbed it along with his other hand and pinned them to both sides of his head and slowly leaned in.

"Gal?" Time ask confused. He was about to ask something, but Galaxy cover his lips with his own and stated to softly kiss him.

"I love you Time" Galaxy said whispered when he pulled away from Time who was panting -once again - and his face flushed with red.

"G-Gal..." Time said, unsure what just occur. One thing he did know was his heart racing one thousand miles per hours, "Wh-what..."

"I'm sorry Time" Galaxy got up off of Time who look at him confused as he got up with Galaxy.


Galaxy let out a sign, "I didn't have you're consent"

"But I liked it" Time said looking down as he kick his foot in the ground.

"R-Really" Galaxy ask surprised.

"I-I did, it felt nice" Time said sheepishly. Time then found himself being spun around by Galaxy who had the biggest smile ever.

"I love you so much" Galaxy signed happily as he brought Time into a hug resting his head on top of the younger one. Time smiled as he snuggle into Galaxy's chest enjoying his warmth.


Word count: 648

Requests left: 1

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