VoidTime Part 2

865 11 10

Requested by JanaFedon & VanaTheDevilishAngel


Time let out a groan when he woke up. He found himself in a nicely decorated room on a large bed with his hands tight together with rope.

"Where am I?" Time mumbled. He moved his hands to see how tight the rope was to find it to be very tight and when he tried to use his teeth to get it off. Unfortunally, it was too thick for Time to bit through. The Steve let out a sign and decided to see if he could find anything in the room that can help him with these ropes or tell him where he is; however, when he tried to stand up, his legs gave out under him causing him to fall onto his knees.

"What even h-happen to me?" Time was about to get when he heard a door open.

"Well isn't this a sight to see" Void smirk at Time's position.

"V-Void!" Time everything came back to him as he back away from the Steve, but his back hit the bed as Void proceed towards him.

"Don't you look so delectable this way" Void lick his lips and bent down to Time who look at him with a fearful look.

Time flinch when Void put his hands on his cheek.

"Wh-what do you want?" Time ask, scared of what Void will do to him.

"Don't be scared Time, I won't hurt you. You're so precious to me" Void cooed running his hand up and down his cheek, "So precious to me little one"

Void leaned in and nipped Time's ear then bit it causing Time to gasp. Time tried to push the darker Steve away with his tied hands, but Void was much stronger. Void then picked up Time bridal style and sat him on the bed. Now Void stands in the middle of Time's legs with his arms on both sides of him. 

"Why me?" Time whimpered.

Void smirk and wrap his arms around Time's waist and pulled him as close as he could. The only space between them were from Time's tied up hands.

"Why you you ask. Well little one, you are mine. You were since you were very young. Of course you didn't know since you were just a young one and Galaxy tried to stop me from claiming you all these years" Void said with a chuckle, "He actually thought he would keep me from you, but now in his condition I finally can do it."

Time was hyperventilate at Void's words, "Bu-But I-I"

"Shh little one" Void kissed Time's head, "There is nothing to worry about now that I have you. I will never hurt you, I will protect you no matter what, forever"

Void then pushed Time onto the bed and held his hands above his head with one of his hands. Void then started to lick all over Time's neck getting him moaning and groaning. There was one spot that made Time arch his back and gasp loudly.

"Found it" Void whispered.

"No, please don't." Time begged, but Void ignored him and started to bite down on that spot hard enough to draw blood and make Time scream until his throat was raw. Void lick the blood then pressed his lips on Time who denied him access to his mouth. Void then put more of his weight onto Time who gasp allowing Void to invade his mouth. Time whimpered as tears leak from his eyes and it doesn't take long before Void notice.

"No no no, don't cry" Void said as he wiped the tears away, but they kept on coming. Void sat up and pulled Time in his lap rocking them back and forth to help calm the younger down.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry little one" Void whispered.

"Why me? Why me out of every Steve why me?" Time ask with a horsey voice. 

Void sign and pulled Time in a tighter hug, "You were just so innocent when I first met you. The more time I was with you, the more I wanted you. I have to admit, Galaxy was right: you were too young for me to mark at that. Though when I was apart from you, I felt a void in my chest and I just wanted you so badly, but you were in your dimension that I could not reach. I guess all of these feelings came back all at once that I couldn't control myself from claiming"

Void look down seeing Time's bright golden eyes staring at him, "I'm sorry Time, I just want to protect you, I didn't know these feelings would bring me to do this"

Time smiled a bit then kissed Void's cheek, "I forgive you"

Void was shook at Time's action and words; he was about to say something, but he noticed that Time was asleep, he had curled himself on Void's lap and into his chest. Void smiled then untie Time's hands that now have red marks from where they were. Void then ran his hand through Time's hair causing him to purr.

"I love so much little one" Void whispered and kissed Time's head, "I love you so much"


Word count: 870

Requests left: 1

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