Chapter 2 - Heading To The Bar

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It was unbelievable. A couple of hours ago I was over the moon because I’d been on stage with OneRepublic, then we got time backstage with them. Now I’m sat in the back of their tour bus. Going to a bar. With OneRepublic. And they actually know I’m here!

“How long have you been a fan then Amy?” Zach asks. Ryan had disappeared a couple of minutes ago on the phone and the others seemed to be arguing about pizza toppings.

“It feels like forever!” I said smiling nervously, he smiled back at me. It was so easy to be around them, if you ignored the fact that they are super amazing and like famous and stuff. “I’m surprised you aren’t joining their conversation.” I said pointing towards the others. Everyone knows Zach loves food, it’s just one of those facts.

“I love anything and everything edible.” He says genuinely, making me laugh. “No point fighting about it, I’ll eat whatever they decide on.” We both laughed at that. He was nice.

“How are you enjoying the UK?” I sounded like I was interviewing him, but I just didn’t want an awkward silence.

“Ah man, we love it. Right now not many people know who we are, they know the music but not us. It really gives us freedom.” He gave me a look and gave me a cheeky smile. “But obviously there’s always the crazy fans who know everything about us and scream at us.” He nudged me playfully and we started giggling (yes Zach Filkins giggled, deal with it).

“Yeah I bet! But they don’t care about you.” I stuck my tongue out and I think he could tell where this was going. “They are screaming for Ryan.” He laughed and we were both ‘pretending’ to fan girl. “Oh My GOD! It’s Ryan Tedder!” I shouted. “Ryan! Ryan! Sign my boob!” Zach shouted. Ryan had come running in whilst we shouted fangirly things out, he looked a bit startled. He must have thought we were in trouble or something.

“Jeez. What are you up to?” He said, talking loudly to be heard over our shouts.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Zach asked innocently. I couldn’t hold the laughter in and neither could Zach. Soon he and I were doubled over laughing. When I looked up Ryan was smiling at us fondly.

“Nice to see the children getting along.” He said playfully. Zach threw a pillow at him, which actually hit Ryan which was a surprise. At first I just narrowed my eyes at him, but after the pillow hit him I couldn’t stop laughing.

“He’s just jealous that we’re having all the fun.” Zach said quietly to me.

“Fuck you Filkins.” I almost cried I laughed so hard. I was choking, that’s how hard I laughed, and that had everyone going. After a few minutes everyone had recovered.

“Thanks for being so concerned for my well-being.” I said sarcastically.

“Anytime.” Zach replied, pulling me into a one-armed hug. We really got along, it was great, it was like we had known each other for years. Ryan took a seat next to us, Zach smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at us before going to the rest of the band. I heard him talking about what we had been up to, it made me smile.

“How did you enjoy the show?” Ryan asked sweetly.

“It was amazing! You guys are so talented, I mean, it’s crazy. I love watching you live, it’s beautiful.” I said, without taking a breath. I tried not to be too creepy, so I hadn’t said everything I wanted too. He seemed so happy, he was smiling again. That should be banned, my heart had just turned into a puddle of goo. “Did you enjoy it?” I asked him quietly. I was still getting over the shock that I was this close to him.

“It’s one to remember.” He said, a stupidly attractive half smile on his face. I looked into his eyes and my heart stopped. Eyes cannot be that attractive it’s impossible. They were a beautiful, greenish grey. I remember reading somewhere that the colour changes depending on his mood or the weather, or something.

“Amy!” He was waving his hand in front of my face. I felt my face heat up and realised I was having a major blush moment, which made me embarrassed, which in turn made me blush more. Oops.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I muttered.

“I said, you have really beautiful eyes.” He replied, he softly grabbed my chin so we were looking at each other. My brain was dead. Had he honestly just said that? To me? Before I got a chance to reply, the bus came to a stop. “We should probably get inside before the guys or your Mum gets worried.” He announced, his voice was so soft and sweet. I had completely forgotten about my Mum! She had driven ahead so we had the car. How could I forget? More importantly – what is wrong with me? Why do I have these feelings for a guy I’ve only just met?

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now