Chapter 63

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The next day was pretty much the same, I had the longest sleep I’d had in a while. But still woke up during the night, more than once. Ryan thought it would be better for me to catch up on my sleep, because there was ‘a surprise’ for tomorrow. So I agreed, I did miss seeing them live. But their Hollywood Bowl show was the next one and that was supposed to be a good one. I thought if I tried to sleep as much as possible, I would enjoy the show even more.

When I woke up on Wednesday it was too the bed moving. Ryan was bouncing up and down. “WAKE UP!” He repeated, jumping with each word.

“I’m up.” I slurred. “It’s our day off.” I added.

“It’s a surprise!” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I’m getting up. Promise.” I rolled onto my side.

“No, you are going back to sleep. Sleep in the bus, we will be late if you don’t get up!” He moaned. I rolled out of the bed.

“Happy, I’m up.” I grabbed some shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Which turned out to be Ryan’s. “Ahhh! Stop putting your clothes in with mine!” I shouted.

“What’s wrong with wearing my t-shirt?” He complained.

“Socially unacceptable apparently. I’m too tired to get changed, so deal with it.” I was being really grumpy, I couldn’t help it.

“Sure, let’s go.” He grabbed the suitcases and headed out. No breakfast today then. I followed after him, my feet dragging along the floor. “Stop being so grumpy. Cheer up.” He smiled.

“You are too happy. I am tired. I am not happy.” I summed up. He pulled me into a hug.

“We will be in LA soon, then you will see what I have planned.” I could hear the smile in his voice and the pride in his secret.

“I’m sure it is amazing.” I yawned. He just squeezed my arm and pulled me out of the elevator. I pretty much collapsed on the seats in the bus. Grabbed a cookie from Zach who started complaining. Then I curled up and went to sleep.

It’s worrying. She goes from barely sleeping, to sleeping for hours and hours. Maybe she is just catching up on lost sleep.

“What’s up with your girl?” Zach asked, still staring at his hand where there had been a cookie. I glanced over to her, seeing that she is already fast asleep.

“I dunno man, she was so tired today. I almost didn’t wake her, but I think she’s just catching up on lost sleep.”

“Well, we all know she will love tonight! It was a great idea.” Zach claimed.

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