Chapter 16 - Walkies

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“Turn the TV off.” I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

“Sleeping beauty is awake!” Zach joked.

“Let her sleep,” Ryan pleaded. I hadn’t even noticed he was gone, I’m gunna have to get up now. There is really no point in staying in bed.

“It’s fine. I’m up.” I mumbled, I grabbed my phone and checked Facebook and twitter; which had exploded since Ry’s tweet about me.

“You haven’t moved in 5 minutes.” Eddie pointed out.

“It’s a long process. It takes time.” I argued. Unfortunately, I hadn’t noticed Ryan was gone. He came up behind me and pulled me up.

“Much quicker!” He laughed, pulling me in for a kiss.

“Get a room!” Brent said as he wandered in from the kitchen.

“Morning B.” I greeted. “Talked to Susan?”

“Actually I have, she wanted to know if you wanted to go for a walk today?” He replied. It was a Saturday and that’s kinda our thing, we go for long walks that I forever hate her for.

“Yeah! Sounds fun.” Ryan claimed. CLAIMED being the key word.

“Fine. But only to prove to Ryan that it is not fun. It is pain and it is torture.” I explained. “Who’s coming then?”

“Physical exercise? Count me out!” Zach announced.

“I’ll keep an eye on Zach, make sure he doesn’t eat your parents.” Eddie said smiling.

“Drew isn’t up yet. So, that leaves us three then. I’ll go get changed.” I put my headphones in and grabbed some clothes from my parents room, obviously letting them know I was going out and Brent and Ryan were coming with me. Whilst I was doing this it gave me time to think, mostly about Ryan, about our relationship. Although we rushed into it a bit (I guess less than a day is pretty extreme) but it felt right, it felt perfect to be honest. And he was being the perfect gentleman, anything he thought I wanted he would do, no questions asked. So romantic, but some people have said if you spend too much time with your partner then things get messed up. At the same time, being away from him for too long is just unbearable to think about. I’m well and truly screwed.

We met Susan at the end of the street. I really regret agreeing to do this now, it was one of those days when you can’t stop thinking, and I was thinking too much. I was overthinking. Everything.

“Hey sexy!” I called out, as she rounded the corner.

“Hey babe, Brent, Ryan.” She replied. “How’s things?”

“Good.” I responded. I decided to stay quiet. Let Susan tell her hour long stories and Brent and Ryan talk about all their amazing experiences and what not, I’ll just think instead. Ryan was holding my hand, chatting away. Maybe he felt like he had to be super nice to me, maybe he doesn’t even like me anymore. Just feels bad. I’m sure he’d find a way to tell me though, he wouldn’t hide that. Damn he looked good today though, wearing the signature tight trousers (red ones, which sounds weird but it works, you would have to see the shade to understand) and a Mr Cool top, dirty black army boots. He was gorgeous, not dressed for a walk really, but gorgeous all the same. It was a pretty nice day, he had worn his sunglasses but left his hat. I looked up at his face, admiring the view I guess. His bright smile, tanned face, little bit of stubble, I mean it’s just too sexy to think about really. His hair was slightly wavy, he kept running his other hand through it.

“Enjoying the view?” He leaned in to whisper in my ear. I felt my whole face heat up, so I guess he noticed then. Oops. Or not oops, he’s my boyfriend I can stare if I want.

“Hey, you’re my boyfriend. Surely I get some privileges, one of which is staring.” I whispered back playfully. He squeezed my hand, returning to the conversation. I sighed softly. This was going to be fun. At least they were getting to know each other, Susan is my closest friend, I’m glad they are all getting on. She was so animated today, it was obvious she likes Brent, at least it was to her best friend. I’m not sure about Brent, he is walking pretty close to her and talks about her a lot… I guess that’s probably a good sign.

We must have walked a couple of miles when I finally stopped. “You guys can go on, I’m gunna sit down for a minute.” I said, sitting on the fence behind me.

“We can wait.” Susan offered.

“No really! I’m just holding you back, go on. I can catch up in a minute.” I insisted, which was bullshit I would wait for them to walk back or just go back home.

“Do you want me to wait with you?” Ryan asked, face unreadable because of those stupid sunglasses.

“No Ry, go have fun. You guys are getting on fab, it’s great.” I replied smiling, or attempting to.

“I think I’ll stay too. Could probably do with a rest,” he told the guys smiling. “We can catch up.” Brent nodded and they carried on like nothing had happened. Ryan just stood there and stared at me for a while. “What’s up?” He asked quietly. So quietly I could barely hear him.

“Nothing babe.” I insisted. He walked up to me, standing in front of me, probably hoping to get some answers. He was so close I could feel his breath against my skin. I gave in and leant in, pulling his body those last few centimetres. He stood between my legs, hands resting on my thighs, my hands were still holding onto his shirt. My lips locked onto his, I just wanted him. To be with him, to touch him. It was desperate and full of need. I wrapped my legs round his waist, pulling him even closer. He moaned into my mouth, Jesus. Every noise he makes is fucking hot. I wrapped my arms round his neck and rested my head against his shoulder. “I’ve never felt like this before Ryan.” I panted quietly, struggling for breath.

“Me too.” He said, kissing my neck softly. “Shall we catch up with the others?” His cheeks were red and his pupils were wide with lust. I realised how awkward this actually was.

“Sure.” I didn’t really want too, but Ryan did. And he isn’t leaving me alone today, so I’m going to be the nice person.

It took a good few minutes, but we eventually caught up with them. By this point Ryan had noticed I was acting off, he kept glancing at me every few minutes. I just zoned out, trying to work out how I feel, how he feels, how this is actually going to work for us. It was nice to have time to think about it and to have time to admire my boyfriend – I will never get tired of calling him that.

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