Chapter 30 - Will You?

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Ryan was sleeping when I woke up next morning. I decided it would be best to let him sleep in, so I tried to climb over him. It wasn’t easy, but I managed it.

“Morning!” I said cheerily when I got downstairs. There were some grumbled mornings back from the guys. Obviously not morning people today.

“Hey Darling.” Mum replied. “Feeling better?” The fact

“Much.” It’s true though, he’s been awake for two days now and just knowing he’ll be okay makes me feel better. I managed to sleep without crying for hours first, although after Ryan’s nightmare it was a very close call.

“Any plans?” She asked.

“Nah, not that I know of anyway. But Ryan can’t do much at the moment.”

“Of course, how do you feel about next week?” She looked so sorry for me.

“Next week?”

“They’re leaving next week. Going to the US for their tour.” She revealed.

“I completely forgot.” I took a can from the fridge and just sat with it, I completely forgot they would be leaving. I thought if I ignored it then they would stay. But life doesn’t work that way. I could hear movement above me, so Ryan must be up. I have to make every moment count now. I sat there, trying to make it look like it didn’t bother me, but I failed. Mum smiled at me, but I just couldn’t return it. I left the table to check on Ry, there’s nothing wrong with worrying. And being desperate for every last second with him.

I opened the door to see he was on the phone, I waved from the door way.

“And you’re sure everything’s sorted? No that’s great. Thanks Clint.” He hung up and pulled me into a hug, a held him tight, I never wanted to let him go. I couldn’t help but laugh at the funny boot he had to wear so he could walk. “It’s not nice to laugh.” He commented pulling me in for a deep kiss.

“Doesn’t look like you care.” I replied giggling. Then we heard banging on the wall.

“SHUT UP!” My Dad shouted, I had to bite my lip to keep the laughter in and Ryan just looked mortified.

“Breakfast?” I offered.

“Sounds great.” We went down together, Ryan had a bowl of cornflakes (boring) and I ate Coco Rocks because I’m that cool. The guys were up and less grumpy by now, thank God.

“Get everything sorted Ryan?” Brent asked as he drank his coffee.

“Yep, everything is fine.” He replied, smiling that beautiful smile. “Sarah, no last minute changes?” He addressed my Mum. Something’s not right here.

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