Chapter 54 - Present For You

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We got back to the hotel at 1, we had lunch at the shopping centre and had found everything we needed. I had hidden Ry’s present in the bag with Izzy’s stuff, hopefully he wouldn’t check.

“Hey babe. Sorry, thought we’d be back earlier.” I apologised as I walked through the door.

“Don’t be. It’s fine baby.” Ryan called from the couch. “Get anything nice?”

“Maybe.” That got his attention, he jumped up and walked to me.

“I missed you.” He admitted, pulling me in for a passionate kiss.

“Does this mean I can show you how much I love you now?” I asked, smiling.

“Fuck yes.” And with that clothing was removed pretty quickly, we were in the bedroom no longer than 2 minutes later. Plus, Ryan didn’t look in the bag.

I had my head against his chest whilst he drew random patterns on my arm. He seemed genuinely happy, I mean he’s pretty much always happy, but something was different this time.

“So, you love me that much?” He asked after a while.

“Baby, I love you more than that. I wish I had a way to truly show you and prove it, so you’d stop second guessing yourself all the time.” I assured him. He didn’t reply, I looked up at him and he seemed to be thinking about something. “I think now is a perfect time for your present.” I announced, jumping up to get it.

“Present?” Bless him, he looked so confused.

“Of course. You got me a prezzie, I haven’t got you anything. So I got you something.” I explained. Running back with a badly wrapped present. “I kind of struggled with this. You can take it back if you don’t like it. You are NOT easy to buy for.” I laughed, but I was actually pretty nervous about this. He opened it and smiled. “It’s kinda plain, but that was so it goes with everything, you can get stuff added and like etched on to it.”

“What are talking about? It’s awesome! I love it, I really do.” He was smiling, I was smiling. Smiles everywhere. It was a tan leather bracelet thing, on the inside was ‘Always and Forever, with Elephants! A x’

“I chose well?”

“Baby, this is perfect. I love it, and I love you. I love you so much.” He pulled me in for a kiss, a deep and passionate kiss. That we both came away from gasping for air.

“I’m glad. But, Zach was supposed to keep an eye on you, what happened?” We had settled back into our original positions. I had expected Zach to still be hovering when I got back, but I hadn’t seen him. I also didn’t receive an I-hate-you text, so they didn’t fight.

“He may have forced me to realise the error in my ways then after an hour or two decided that I was to be trusted to control myself and stay here.” He informed me.

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now