Chapter 48 - Brother Adam

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“AMY! GET UP!” Adam shouted through the door, banging on it a few times.

“I’m up!” I called back.

“Clothes in the wardrobe.” I hear him say, I pulled on the ‘You’re so Cool’ cropped top in there. I had looked at Adam’s collection before and this was one of my favourites, I grabbed the denim shorts too. They were another of my favourites, they had a cool pattern on them and were actually really comfortable. Although, I’m pretty surprised he has the women’s items in his wardrobe. But who cares? Clothes are clothes.

“OMG! These are so comfortable.” I exclaimed as I left the room.

“Thanks!” He replied laughing. “Ryan will notice, you realise that?” He asked.

“Yep, he couldn’t be bothered to reply to my text and I don’t belong to him. I can do what I want.” I replied seriously. He needs to get over it, I’m allowed friends and it’s not like there are tons of girls hanging out with us.

“Anyway, if we don’t leave soon we’ll be late for showing up late.” He laughed. “I’ve even come up with a reason for me to be there.” He added.

“Please explain.”

“I can tell Ryan I wanted to organise a studio meet up, that I texted you about it.”

“That’ll work!” I smiled, this is great.

“Yeah, you don’t mind listening to the V demo’s with me on the way do you? I need to learn the songs.” He explained.

“Brother Adam I will listen to your songs all day.” I teased.

“Sister Amy that is a relief.” He joked.

He pressed a few buttons in the car and ‘Maps’ started playing, he sang along properly whilst I danced along in the car. It was a great laugh. Then ‘Animals’ started playing, it was amazing, even though it made me think of Eddie. It had been leaked on the internet, which is how I knew about it, then they released it as a single because there was a pretty good reaction to it. Adam fast-forwarded through a few till it got to ‘New Love’, he wanted to practice a few times before we got there. It was a really awesome song actually, by the second time I knew a lot of the words. We sang along together, doing a little car dance. Adam parked right outside the hotel door.

“Danny sent a text saying that they are all sat having breakfast. It’s slightly awkward and that they said I was sleeping in. Which has some truth.” I informed him.

“Awesome.” He linked arms with me and we walked into the restaurant deep in conversation. Well, at that point I was laughing hysterically, but we had been deep in conversation. I took a seat next to Danny.

“How was your sleep in?” Ryan asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

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