Chapter 51 - Lullaby

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When I woke up I was in the green room, I stretched out.

“Welcome to the land of the living.” Danny laughed. “The guys are doing sound check.”

“Thanks. I should call my Mum.” I sighed.

“Ryan said you should use his iPad, it’s on the table over there.” Mark said.

“What I do without you guys! How long was I out?”

“Maybe an hour, hour and a half.” Glen replied, checking his watch.

“Jeez.” I pressed on Mum’s FaceTime account. She picked up in seconds. “Hi Mum, hi Izz.” Izzy had squished her way into the picture.

“You okay?” Mum asked.

“Yeah, I’m great actually. One sec, Danny did we win the second round?”

“You’re damn right we did!” He shouted happily. He walked over to give me a high five. “Oh, hi Mrs Thomson and you must be Izzy!” He greeted.

“IT’S DANNY FROM THE VOICE!” Izzy screamed happily.

“Nice to know somebody likes me.” Danny laughed.

“Amy loves you. Not as much as Ryan though.” Izzy told him.

“We love her too. Our big baby.” He teased. As he walked away.

“Big baby?” Mum questioned.

“I may or may not have fallen asleep on Ryan during bowling, which I won twice.”

“AFTER HE SANG TO YOU!” Danny called out.

“He sang you to sleep that is so sweet.” My Mum expressed, smiling sweetly.

“I want Ryan to sing to me before I go to sleep.” Izzy complained.

“Well, maybe he will after sound check.” I saw James walk past. “James! Are you going out yet?”

“In 15. You gunna be out there?” He responded.

“Should be at some point, Susan will be I’m sure. Thanks buddy. Sorry guys, just checking. Ryan will be getting changed.”

“Ryan is not getting changed.” He chuckled from the door way.

“Hey baby, looking good.” It was one of my favourite tour outfits that he wears; no hat, a grey and white striped t-shirt and a denim shirt tolled up to his elbows, or just below. He had dark jeans on, rolled up revealing his boot/shoe things, which were a light brown.

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