Chapter 35 - Vodka

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“Want to watch TV?” Susan suggested as we walked in to their room.

“Sure, sounds great.” I replied, I pulled out my phone and sent Ryan a text ‘I fucking hate you.’

“Anything you want to watch?”

“I’m fine with whatever.” She ended up putting on a film channel, X-Men First Class was on.

“James McAvoy.” She said simply.

“Is amazingly, super-hot.” I added, making her smile.

“You’ll never guess what?” She asked eventually.

“Do I want to guess?” I muttered, fearing what would come next.

“Me and Brent,” And holy shit she was gunna tell me, “watched this awesome film last night.” False alarm. The relief I felt was unbelievable, but I knew she would bring it up eventually.

“That sounds great.” I stated dryly.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She snapped.

“What do you mean?” I really didn’t want to get into this now.

“What the fuck is up? You should be bloody happy, instead you’re bringing us down!” Urgh.

“YOU!” I shouted. “You and fuckin BRENT. You FUCKIN Brent.” Her face went pale, obviously she hadn’t realised we could hear. She opened her mouth to speak. “There are honestly no words Susan. None. I need a drink, I’ll be back in a minute.” I stormed from the room, heading for the elevator. As the door’s opened I realised the guys were inside. Could it get worse?

“You okay?” Brent asked, concerned.

“No I’m fuckin not.” I snapped. I felt bad, but I was so angry. I don’t even know why. It was over the top, I guess Ryan’s to blame. “Fuck you the most.” I added pointing to Ryan. I then turned and walked down the stairs instead. Now I need alcohol, lots of alcohol. I wonder if that’s acceptable…

“Care to explain?” Brent was obviously hurt by Amy’s outburst, and he had probably noticed me acting off too. We had all stopped in the hall.

“Do I have to?” I pleaded, desperate not to admit it out loud.

“Yes!” They all said at the same time. “We are worried about her, you too to be honest.” Zach added.

“Fine.” I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself. “Me and Amy heard you and Susan last night.” I continued vaguely.

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