Chapter 15 - Meet The Famalam

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A/N: Thanks for reading guys :D There are videos in this one, no you really don't need to watch them! But I would love to know what you think, so please comment and what not :) Love you all x

“Babe. Babe. The party is on in an hour.” Ryan said, waking me up.

“God, did I fall asleep?” I asked in a groggy voice.

“We both did.” He laughed. “Come on get ready. Private show coming up.” He insisted, I was so comfortable. Then he got up and suddenly it wasn’t as comfortable.

“Ryan!” I groaned. “That was mean.”

“We got a show!” He sang sarcastically. He changed his top, and damn he is f-i-t. More than I thought, he’s hiding a six-pack under there. A really attractive six-pack.  “Stop ogling and get a move on.” He ordered without looking around. I forced myself up and changed into some short shorts and a white vesty thing. “Looking good.” Ryan commented as he walked out.

“You aren’t too bad yourself.” I replied. I headed downstairs a couple of minute after Ryan. The guys had taken care of most of the set up by then.

“Assholes!” I heard Ryan shout. He ran up to me holding his phone. “Look at this. AH total dicks. They could have at least shown me first!” He complained. I looked at the phone, it was a tweet. ‘Two lovebirds nesting.’ Below was a picture, I gotta admit it was pretty cute. I was asleep on Ryan’s chest, his hand was on my head. He was smiling a little, it was peaceful and happy and pretty cute.

“I think it’s cute.”

“Of course it’s cute. But everyone can see this. More importantly they saw it before we did.” He sure does like to moan.

“Get over it Ry, it’s done now anyways. Go get ready.” I said laughing.

“Yes Sir.” He joked with a mock salute as he walked back to the guys. I saw Susan with Brent and ran over to say hi.

“What? Have I been replaced or something?” I asked Susan, kind of almost serious.

“You were sleeping. I was in there laughing at you.” She admitted.

“I had to carry her out before she woke you up.” Brent added. “I’ve got some set-up to do. See ya later guuys.” After he was out of ear-shot I turned to Susan.

“Someone has a friend!” I exclaimed.

“Ah my god. He is so nice, and good looking too. His eyes are so gorgeous. He even likes spending time with me, it’s like a dream!” She admitted.

“Someone has a crush.” I sang playfully.

“Shut the fuck up. It’s not a crush, not really.” She said. Whatever helps her sleep at night. “Look Kim’s here and she brought her Mum too.” We went over to say hello, can’t be rude now can we.

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