Chaper 22 - Interrogation

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“How was your date then?” Mum asked me. Ryan was in the studio, because I refuse to get him into trouble for letting artists down.

“It was perfect.” I replied truthfully.

“And what did you get up too?” Definitely an interrogation then.

“Had a delicious meal, then we went to the suite and watched some Netflix. I fell asleep halfway through some film, I can’t even remember it. It was amazing though.” That seemed to satisfy her. I can’t exactly say we had sex, can I?

“And that’s all?”

“Oh and he got me this.” I showed her the necklace. Thankfully she forget about any other questions. Today is my lucky day.

“That is lovely. But, elephants?” She was so confused. I just shook my head, that’s a joke between me and him. I intend to keep it that way. “Oh and Susan said she was popping around.”

“Okay, thanks Mum. And thanks for yesterday.” She just smiled at me.

“You would tell me, if anything happened, right?” She asked.

“Sure Mum. I guess.” Which means, hell no.

“So you really?” Susan said, making some strange actions with her hands. She’s lucky I understand crazy person.

“Yes, Susan. Look I’d rather not describe it you.” I confessed blushing.

“Fair enough. But, how was the meal?”

“It was actually amazing. Though, what about you and Brent?” I asked.

“Me and Brent?”

“Anything you should be telling a best friend?”

“No. We’re just friends.” She informed me, sounding kinda down.

“You know, as your bestest friend I have the ability to sense when you are crazy in love with someone.”

“I’m not!” She argued.

“Susan. Really. I’ve been with you through so much crap, do you think I’d care about this? Hell Brent is a sweet guy, I’d rather you end up with him than some homeless drug dealer.” She laughed a bit, but it was kinda empty sounding.

“I guess you’re right. I’m not sure how I feel, I mean I like him. But… Do I love him?” Susan revealed.

“Maybe the question is does he love me?” I offered quietly.

“I hate life.” She groaned.

“It gets better.” I said dreamily.

“Fuck you.” She said, giving me the finger.

“I already did.” Ryan said from the door, scaring the crap out of us. My face was burning.

“Jesus Ryan.” Susan had recovered from the fright and was now in hysterics.

“Sorry babes. Didn’t know how else to let you know I was here.” He said smirking.

“Bullshit.” Susan coughed.

“Yeah, how about Hi. I’ve found that works quite well.” I told him sarcastically. He pulled me into a hug.

“I came here to let you know I’ve got something to organise in Oxford. I should be back no later than 2 hours.”

“You have to go?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s important.” He gave me a kiss and waved to Susan. “Two hours tops.”

“Love you babe.” I shouted out to him.

“Forever and always.” He called back. Susan was making gaging noises behind me.

“You guys are disgusting.” She complained.

“I didn’t make you listen.” I justified.

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now