Chapter 76

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Salt Lake City, 14th June. Today I get my surprise.

“Ryan. Ryan. Ryan.” I repeated until he groaned.

“What?” He yawned.

“It’s the 14th.” I informed him.

“That’s nice.” He rolled over, trying to get back to sleep. Being the loving girlfriend I am, I grabbed his arm and shook him.

“That means it’s my surprise.” I cheered happily, he rolled back over but had his eyes closed. I leant down and gave him a kiss. “Come on.”

“What’s the time?” He asked.

“Urm, it’s 8.” He bolted up.

“Shit. Get dressed!” And with that he was in the suitcases, throwing me clothes and hurriedly pulling his own clothes on. I did as I was told. He had thrown over some denim shorts and the American Authors crop top I had stolen. “Come on, we’re late.” As he said this his phone started ringing. “Hi.”

“Yeah, I know we are late.”

“Sorry, I slept in.”

“Yes, we are up and on the way.”

“I dunno, half an hour maybe.”

“See ya.” He hung up and left the room. “HURRY UP!” He shouted to me. Douche. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed some money, just in case. Ry was stood at the door with car keys and his wallet. We practically ran to the car. 

“Why are we rushing?”

“Brent was going to sort this out, but due to reasons I can’t go into he won’t.” Ryan explained, or didn’t explain.

“Okay then.” I saw Ryan’s little smile, he leant over and gave me a quick kiss.

“Just trust me babe. Have a little nap, you’ll need your energy.” I sighed, but did what he suggested. I took Ryan’s free hand in mine and soon fell asleep.

The car door slammed shut, making me jerk up. Ryan opened my door for me, like the perfect gentleman, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

“Where’s my surprise then?” I asked eagerly after pulling away.

“Come on.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the airport. Why the fuck are we at the airport? Ryan had put on sunglasses and a beanie, where they came from I have no clue. Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around me.

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