Chapter 49 - Forgiven

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When we walked in the room went silent.

“Amy, can I speak to you outside for a minute?” Ryan asked.

“Sure.” I went back out.

“I overreacted, I’m sorry about being weird about Adam. Also, I’m sorry about last night. Everything about last night.” He explained. I just smiled, I can’t stay mad at him or upset. I pulled him into a kiss.

“You are forgiven.” I laughed. “I can’t ever stay mad at you, you are my big ball of cuteness.” I started thinking of the first time I called him that, when he was on the radio. I wasn’t really paying attention to the real world, so it scared me half to death when he picked me up laughing as he carried me bridal style back into the room. “Put me down.” I giggled as I whacked his back. He dropped me on the sofa chuckling away to himself. Susan was sat on Brent’s knee, both of whom were smiling at me which I assumed meant we were cool.

“I didn’t mean what I said. I was horrible.” Zach began.

“Me too!” Eddie interjected.

“It’s fine. I forgive you guys, I can’t be in a mood with you. That would be pretty bad for bowling later.” I wanted to be mad, and be horrible and shout. Not make up with them straight away, but I will be the bigger person. Plus, I find it hard work to be angry for long periods of time. That and they are all so cute and kind. We all have hard times. “But I’ll definitely accept begging and presents.” I added.

“We will think of the best present in the world.” Zach promised.

“Great. Now we are all friends.” Eddie exclaimed happily.

“You betcha. Just know, you are going down later today.” I reminded them.

“God bowling. Almost forgot.” Brent laughed.

“We didn’t.” Susan stated. Giving me her ‘we have an awesome plan that they don’t know about so we are going to beat them’ smile. After that people started their own conversations, I just lay on the sofa with Ryan wrapped around me. I missed him last night, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He is a great pillow.

“Please tell me you’re getting changed for bowling?” He whispered in my ear.

“I’m sorry, is there a problem with me wearing short, tight fitting clothes whilst we bowl with your closest friends.” I teased.

“Definitely a problem. The problem being, you never got round to showing me how much you love me last night. That is the main problem, you wearing not a lot doesn’t help.” He replied.

“Oh no! Try not to get distracted. You might lose.” I said sarcastically. He kissed the back of my neck.

“I hate you.” He muttered, his breath was warm against my skin and it sent shivers through my body.

“Not to interrupt your love fest or anything, but should we not think about leaving?” Susan asked. Ryan glanced at his watch.

“Shit. Yes we should.” He tried to get up, but I refused to move. “Get, up, you, lazy, bitch.” He complained, trying to push me off him. So I just turned around and grabbed on to him.

“You’ll have to carry me.” I proclaimed, wrapping my legs around him as he stood up.

“I missed you too koala bear!” He agreed happily, I mean I think that meant he agreed. He was obviously thinking about the first few days of our relationship too, because that’s what he said when he came to the school for the first time. I just smiled, and placed my head on his shoulder. He honestly carried me all the way to the car koala style. It’s times like this I wonder why we ever fight.

“Zach. You can drive.” Brent announced. Ryan had already taken a seat in the back with me and Susan had saved Brent a seat. Zach just groaned as he climbed into the front seat.

“I hope we all die.” Zach muttered. Just cause he don’t want to drive.

“Danny and the guys are already there.” I informed them. “They said hurry the fuck up so they can kick your asses.” That had me and Susan laughing, whilst the boys complained about how they were better and were less childish and would definitely beat them. Which Susan and I both know is pretty unlikely.

A/N - So they all made up pretty fast :D I wanna thank you all for reading, it makes me so happy to know some people enjoy this XD

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