Chapter 90

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“Ry, hunny we are here.” I shook him awake, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest, he really has forgiven me, or is trying his hardest too. He wouldn’t have had time to make himself smile, it made me really have hope for this. Not that I had no hope, but you will obviously have doubts.

“Thanks babe.” He leaned forwards and kissed me softly. His arms snaked round my waist, he unexpectedly lifted me up. Deciding to carry me onto the bus.

“YOU’RE BACK!” Zach cheered, suddenly we were tackled to the floor. Poor Ryan was crushed by me and Zach, the others saw a pile and just jumped on. There was laughing and Ryan was trying to throw everyone off. Eventually they let us up, with Ryan refusing to let me go.

“I didn’t really have choice.” I joked, they all knew I would come back if he asked.

“Why did you leave?” Ryan asked quietly.

“For you.” I told him honestly. “I thought you seeing me every day would hurt, a constant reminder of how stupid I was. I thought it was the best choice to make, not for me but for you.”

“I was an idiot to think I could get by without you. We had worked this out before, even thinking about being without you hurts me. How I thought I could manage it I don’t know, it was stupid. I should have forgiven you, you were drunk and made a mistake. I can’t blame you. We all make mistakes, I’m sure there will be more in the future.”

“I hope not like this.” I sighed and leant against his chest.

“Promise you aren’t gunna run away again?” Eddie asked.

“I promise Eddo. I can’t imagine time without this ball of cuteness, I mean I was dreading going home if I’m honest. Never would I ever choose to leave you, not without good reason. Not being with you for those days was honestly killing me. Adam honestly thought I had lost it, that’s what being without you does to me. It drives me crazy.” He looked at me with these cute eyes, almost fondly and sympathetically and full of love. Before I knew it Ryan had crashed his lips against mine, his hands holding on to my waist. The others just carried on their conversation, apparently used to this by now, so why not enjoy myself. With one hand I started messing with his hair, because the noises he makes are just adorable, and the other hand was keeping me steady by holding the back of his neck. Holding loosely, I wasn’t like trying to strangle him or anything.

“Bed?” His eyes were dark with lust, both of us already gasping for air. I didn’t trust myself to speak, so just nodded before kissing him again. We were both smiling into the kiss, obviously I don’t know what he was thinking. But, I was thinking about how lucky I was. That he has forgiven me, that we haven’t changed, and that he hasn’t let it change us at all in fact he seems to think it has actually help. I wouldn’t say that, but I can just be happy knowing I still have him.

“What do you want for your birthday?” I asked him, he yawned and rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know why you insist on having conversations after sex. I don’t want anything for my birthday. Just you.”


“Don’t be sorry.” He kissed my shoulder softly. “I love everything about you, even these random conversations.”

“You must want something babe.”

“I swear, all I want is me and you. Spend the day together, do something nice. That’s all I can ask for.” Poor guy was half asleep.

“Okay, if you insist. I’ll think of something.” I turned and kissed his cheek softly, he smiled and pulled me closer to him and was asleep not long afterwards. Leaving me listening to his steady breathing, feeling the beat of his heart against my back. Yeah, he had me as close as humanly possible and so tight it would be impossible for me to move without waking him. And no one is that mean. He is so cute when he is sleeping, well, he is cute all the time but you get what I’m saying. I am just so happy that we are moving on, now I have a little over a week to plan something amazing for Ryan’s birthday. Something amazing for my amazing boyfriend. God, it’s a relief to be able to call him that still.

A/N - I lied again :( This is the final chapter of Elephants :O Don't worry though, if all goes to plan tomorrow I will post Chapter 1 of Something I Need :D Just thought the two needed to split, otherwise this one could go on FOREVER XD Thanks for reading though guys, please vote and comment :D Hope you have all enjoyed this :)

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now