Chapter 9 - Bus Ride

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 “Oh my God, I didn’t think it was possible to love you guys anymore. But it is!” Susan exclaimed on the bus.

“Thanks. That was actually fun.” Brent said.

“Actually? You thought it wouldn’t be fun?” I asked.

“Ryan isn’t known for planning great shows. That’s why we pay people money to do it for us.” Eddie replied.

“OI! I am an awesome planner. Obviously.” Ryan defended. He was sat next to me, some random channel was on the TV, I don’t think anyone was watching though.

“Sure. Whatever.” Zach dismissed. “More importantly. Where is the food?”

“Cookies in the cupboard.” Drew said, glancing up from his phone. Zach rushed off to eat some cookies. Slamming around the cupboards until he eventually found the right one. Susan ran up to him, as they started fighting over cookies Ryan turned to me.

“Babe, I was wondering will your Dad be at home when we get there?” Ryan asked, I could tell he really wanted to make a good impression. But, he looked a little nervous.

“I don’t think so. He should be working, we might have a couple of hours ‘till he gets back.” I was leaning against his shoulder, his arm snaked round my body, his hand resting on my leg. Ryan had seemed to relax a bit after I said that, I should probably think of a way to et him in my Dad’s good books. “You know you make a great cushion.” I knew that would make him laugh and forget about my Dad for a bit. Hopefully.

“I’ll make sure I put that on my CV.” He joked.

“You should. It’s a very desirable skill.”

“God, I’m stuck between you two being so sweet I’ll need fillings and so disgustingly in love I’m gunna spew.” Susan said as Ryan kissed my head. I couldn’t help but laugh at Susan. “Oh and can you stop at the end of the road. I’m really not keen about explaining to my Mum why I was in a big black bus. It looks like I’ve been kidnapped by paedophiles.”

“Sure babez.”

“I thought I was your babez?” Ryan argued.

“Don’t get jealous Ryan. In fairness Subo was here first.”

“Take that bitches!” Susan cheered. “Yeah Ryan. She is my wife and I won’t take no shit. You better look after her.” Me and Susan descended into uncontrollable laughter as Ryan looked completely confused and kept muttering ‘wife’ and ‘crazy people’.

“Speaking of wife. I should probably tell Ben.” I said after I had recovered.

“Shit yeah! I wanna be there.” Susan replied, already excited.

“Who’s Ben?” Ryan asked.

“No one.” I replied. Unfortunately Susan had already opened her big mouth. “Oh, just the guy Amy was pretty madly in love with for a year or two.” As she realised what happened she gave me the guiltiest sorry look in the world.

“Ben...” Ryan said looking at me.

“Yeah. We are just friends Ryan. Honestly, I would tell you, he ain’t even that fit. Just kinda sweet.”

“Yeah, he’s fuck ugly!” Susan shouted, she never met him but obvoisly thought it might help the situation. Atleast it got a laugh, which is a start.

“I trust you baby. You don’t need to lie about anything or hide anything.” Ryan replied, he had recognised I had got a bit worked up.

“And if Ryan’s a dick tell one of us.” Eddie started.

“And we will kick his ass for you.” Zach added, talking with a mouthful of cookies.

“’Cause you are like a sister to us. Or maybe a crazy cousin. I guess second cousin. Or just a friend. I dunno. But we like you, so we have your back.” Brent said.

“Any excuse to beat up Ryan.” Drew smiled.

“I love you guys too.” I said laughing.

“Can I be in on this Ryan beat-up team?” Susan asked.

“The more the merrier.” Ryan replied sarcastically.

“Fab!” Susan shouted, giving Brent a high-five. Those two were getting on so well, it made me laugh because they seem like complete opposites. They do say opposites attract. Although, to be fair it’s not like I know these people yet.

“We are gunna give you time to charm the Dad, so text when you have finished and we will come down.” Zach said randomly.

“Cool dude.”

“What do you think you will do?” I asked, I felt a bit sorry for them.

“Might go eat in Witney or something.” I swear he never thinks of anything but food.

“I can take you round Carterton if you want.” Susan offered.

“That sounds cool.” Brent replied.

“Great! I’ll tell my Mum and you can meet me where you drop me.”

“Great, here’s my number. Text if you can’t or something.” Smooth moves Brent. Smooth. Ryan seemed completely oblivious, he was on twitter or something. So I sent a text saying ‘smooth moves Brent.’  That was too confusing for Ryan, idiot. I’ll explain it to him later. Susan got off after hugs from everyone, then it was back to mine.

I led the way, we waved to the guys as they drove off, then I took him into the house.

“Welcome to the Thomson House.” I said smiling. “It might be messy, so ignore those bits.”

“What mess?” Charming. This guy is unbelievable.

“My Dad will love you.” I hope.

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