Chapter 88

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“You don’t need to do this.” Zach repeated, handing over the printed tickets.

“I do Zach, I can’t stay. He doesn’t want to sort this out, I can’t force him. What I did was wrong, this is best.”

“I’ll miss you.” He sighed pulling me into a hug.

“I’ll miss you and the boys. I am gunna stay for as long as possible.” He knew as well as I did I was hoping for Ryan to do something, to say he loved me.

“It’ll be awful without you.” He admitted.

“Zach, I would love to stay. You know that, I know that. But to be here is hurting me, seeing him hurts me, I have ruined the best thing in my life. I need to live with that. The least I can do is give him a chance to get over it and find himself a girl that will treat him right.” I explained.

“I know, but you are perfect for him. He is being an idiot.” I’m sure he would have gone on for hours, thankfully Eddie walked in.

“What’s going on here?” He asked suspiciously.

“I’m leaving.” I blurted. “Don’t tell Ryan.” He just nodded, he seemed slightly shocked but understood. Maybe.

“It’ll suck without you.” He confessed.

“That’s what I said!” Zach interjected. I had to smile, I would miss all these idiots.

“We will make tonight a night to remember.” Eddie promised. “Have you told the others?” My silence was answer enough. “I think you should, give them a chance to say goodbye.”

“You’re right. I’m gunna go and find them, if I don’t see you again, bye guys.” I gave them a sad little smile before trying to find Brent and Drew, they have to be around somewhere. And Mark and Glen, and American Authors. Lots of people, not a lot of time.

I stood in with Susan and Kim, the boys had just come out on stage and Ryan was looking everywhere but at me. Not gunna lie it hurt a little. I managed to ignore him mostly, focus on pretending to be okay for the others. Then Ryan sat at the piano and played the most beautiful version of Apologise I have ever heard, I was in tears. I couldn’t handle it, he was obviously aiming this at me. A final fuck you, not that he knew that. It was halfway through when Adam came to the rescue.

“Time to go?” I asked. He nodded, taking my hand. I glanced at the stage to see Zach frantically shaking his head. I smiled sadly and waved goodbye. Then I turned and refused to look back, letting Adam take me to the car, then to the airport. “Bye guys.” I whispered, letting the tears begin to fall.

“We have a few hours drive, so get comfy.” Adam suggested, giving me a quick hug.

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