Chapter 13 - History

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“Hey babe, sorry I was so grumpy this morning.” Ryan said, kissing me on the cheek.

“You are forgiven.” I said smiling. “But, me and Susan have to go into school in half an hour, so I’m about to leave.”

“Me and Brent will come with you.” He said, happily. Talk about mood swings.

“You won’t be allowed in school.” I reminded him. He just shrugged.

“We can use the celebrity card. They kinda owe us now, we did them a favour.”

“Whatever Ry. Be ready to leave then.” He walked off with a spring in his step, humming away. Psycho. Why would anyone be excited about coming to school? I mean, everyone hates school.

Me, Susan, Ryan and Brent sat at the back of the bus, a normal everyday public bus.

“What lessons have you got today?” Brent asked.

“Amy?” Susan asked, she barely knew what day of the week it was.

“We have History.”

“I hate history. It’s so shit.” She complained.

“Why did you take it then?” Ryan asked, more than a little confused.

“Because she is a copycat who is afraid of being alone.” I said laughing.

“Hey! I know more people than you do!” She defended. Weak Susan, I expected more from you.

“Yeah, well I brought (and met) OneRepublic. BOOM! I win life.”

“I’m gunna give her that one.” Brent said as Ryan nodded in agreement.

“Traitor.” Susan said.

“Truth hurts bitch.” I told her. We all laughed, but as usual Susan’s laugh could be heard above all the others.

“We were wondering, maybe tonight we could have a little party?” Ryan asked.

“What he means is; a little concert outside for your friends and family. Then just music and fun.” Brent described.

“Sounds great. Where?”

“Outside yours would be best.” Ryan admitted.

“That should be fine. I’ll just check with my Dad.” I promised, my phone already in my hand.

“Susan, you’ll come right?” Brent asked hopefully.

“Sure!” She agreed, smiling. ‘They are kinda cute rite.’ I sent to Ryan. He just looked at me blankly. ‘They are getting on well.’ I sent. ‘Yh, they became fast friends.’ God. Is he being this stupid on purpose? Maybe I’m imagining it. It is 100% completely possible.

History went well. Ryan and Brent just sat there really, if anything about America came up the teacher would ask them about it. They looked so weird, just sat there doing absolutely nothing, every now and again saying something to each other or me and Susan. My phone had been vibrating all lesson though, I could see Ryan’s was in his hand, so I know who that was. My Dad had said yes to the party thing, so Susan and I let all our friends and family know. Then it was back onto the bus, Ryan and Brent were unusually quiet. Which was disturbing.

“Urm. How did you find that then?” I started awkwardly.

“It wasn’t bad.” Brent said. Which was a lie, they were obviously bored throughout the lesson.

“I need to make a phone call.” Ryan declared, before going towards the front of the bus. Susan glanced at me, this was very strange.

“Is he okay?” I asked Brent.

“He will be.” He tried to smile, but it failed.

“Brent, what the fuck is going on?” I demanded.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you. I’m sure Ryan will tell you later or something.” He apologised, from the way he was referring to Ryan I think they got into a bit of a disagreement.

“Whatever.” I dismissed, turning to look out the window. If they want to be secretive then fine. I could hear Brent and Susan talking quietly to each other, but I don’t think Ryan had come back yet. Douche.

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