Chapter 20 - That's A Promise

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A/N: Just realised I said Amy went to sleep... She didn't. Or maybe she had a nap... I'll leave it up to you :D Yeah, so sorry bout that, this chapter is still the same day or I guess night ;) Love you all, thanks for reading x

“Hey Ryan?” He was stroking my hair, humming a random tune.

“Yeah baby.”

“Did ya know I love you?”

“I had an idea.” He replied sarcastically. “Amy?”

“Yes darling.” I replied, I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Did you know I’m in love with you?” He asked.

“I had heard it somewhere.” I joked, I turned around and kissed him. “Seriously Ryan, I love you so much.” His eyes were shining brightly, he is gorgeous. “You’re gorgeous” I blurted, I didn’t even mean too. Damn sex, it fried my mind! He just chuckled.

“I love you baby, more than I’ve ever loved before.” He told me quietly, his voice so low I could barely hear it. “But I’m not entirely sure this is what your Mum had in mind when I asked if we could stay out for the night.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Probably not.”

“You shower first, I’ll sort the bed out.” He offered, winking. I made sure to elbow him as I went past.

“Sorry, didn’t see you there.” I smiled back at him. He gave me the finger, but I could see his body shaking so he was laughing.

Ryan showered after me, I decided now would be the perfect time to inform Susan. So she doesn’t go all psycho bitch on me again. ‘Fuck! First date and we had sex :o thought you should no!’ I sent, within minutes I got a reply; ‘Holy fuck, you bitch! OMG how was it? Actually don’t tell me you dirty bitch I don’t wanna no!’ I giggled and closed it down as Ryan came in. I’m not entirely sure he would be happy about Susan knowing, she better not tell. Damn I should have said that, she might work it out. Doubtful, but possible.

“Any plans Mr Tedder?” I asked hopefully.

“But of course.” He replied dramatically. The TV came on and NetFlix was on the screen, he sure knows the way to my heart. “And of course, it’s ladies choice.” Gentleman, as usual. He handed me the remote and I didn’t miss the smirk when I clicked on ‘Ride Along’, I like Kevin Hart he makes me laugh. We watched the film in bed, wrapped around each other, with clothes on this time though. I liked to watch Ryan when he smiles and laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkle, it is the most adorable, attractive gorgeous thing I have seen in my life.

“Babe, surely you should be working?” I said whilst the credits rolled, it had been bothering me for a while.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He dismissed, turning the TV off.

“But I do worry about it,” I confessed. He sighed, maybe I should let him off. I didn’t tell him what was wrong this morning.

“I can catch up.” He decided, he didn’t seem very sure.

“Okay, I don’t mind if you work you know? I’d love to watch one day.” I took his hand in mine, drawing patterns on his palm, tracing the lines.

“Have you ever heard Forever and Always by Parachute?” He asked after a bit.

“No, why?”

“I’ll love you forever and always.”

“And I’ll love you always and forever.” He kissed my hair.

“You should get some sleep.” He sighed.

“Should I listen to it?” I asked as I checked my phone.

“No. Probably not.” He lay back, I shrugged it off and got as close as humanly possible. He wrapped an arm around me, I was asleep in minutes.

“Just remember even if I’m not there I’ll always love you; Forever and Always.” I whispered after she was asleep. That’s a promise. Forever and always.

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