Chapter 39 - Replacement

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I walked over to the gang again, and pushed the strange conversation to the back of my mind. I can worry about that weirdo later.

“This one goes out to my girl. I love ya!” Ryan announced, blowing a kiss. He really is a sweetheart, I could never love anyone more than I love him right now. He is perfect in every way.

“And Subo!” Brent added.

“And to Susan, Brent loves ya!” Ryan continued. Making us laugh, Susan was over the moon. They started play ‘Feel Again’, it was one of Susan’s favourites so she was super excited. We sang and danced, Adam and Danny joined in. It was crazy, last month this would be some messed up dream. Now it’s my reality. I was beyond happy, I really was. I mean, I’m dancing with two of the people I practically obsessed over whilst my amazingly talented boyfriend sings a song dedicated to me. Everything seemed to be going fabulous. It was all hunky dory.

“An old one now. I wrote this one a very long time ago. It made us as a band, when I was broken as a person. This song means a lot to us all.” They played ‘Apologise’. Not one to dance too really, but we sang along. It was a good choice really, I think anyway. I always love hearing that one live. “Thanks guys! We love you all, enjoy free food and some decent music.” Ryan said before jumping off the stage.

“Beautiful.” I smiled, pulling him in for a deep kiss. One he returned passionately.

“I might throw up.” Susan commented from behind us, snapping us out of the happy little bubble we had entered.

“You’ve got soft.” Adam teased.

“I’ve heard you settled down.” Ryan countered.

“THAT YOU FOUND A GIRL AND YOUR HAPPY NOWOWOW!” Me and Eddie started, because Eddie seems to materialise whenever a good song opportunity presents itself. Which actually happens a lot. It had Adam and Danny in tears, Susan was having some sort of fit and Ryan was amused. Eddie and I were beaming as usual.

“You know what I meant.” Ryan complained

“SOMEONE LIKE YOUOOOO!” We all shouted over him, as he tried to hide behind his hands.

“We love you really.” I giggled after we had finished making fun.


“Do I need to prove it?” I asked.

“Depends how you intend on proving it?” Ryan teased.

“Really Ryan, let’s not get into that here.” I winked at him, enjoying the smile I got back.

“We may have a bit of a problem.” Brent tried to say, but there was so much noise I don’t think anyone else noticed. Or cared. We were all having a good time, we don’t want to think about ‘problems’.

“Anyone want a drink?” Ryan asked. He ended up heading off to get everyone a drink, Brent tried to go after him. But Susan started talking to him. He seemed unsure as what to do; whether he should go tell Ryan the ‘problem’ or continue talking to his girl. He obviously didn’t decide quickly enough. Then the whole world stopped. The music had stopped, people had stopped. There was just a stunned silence. Then I saw why. That bitch from the bar was sucking the face off of Ryan and he wasn’t pulling away. He just stood there. I felt my eyes tear up, it wasn’t Ryan. I mean, it was. But, it couldn’t be his fault. That bitch got me so worked up; kissing my boyfriend. As I began to march over there, Brent grabbed my arm.

“That’s Heather.” He informed me. Fuck. She’s trying to get him back then. It suddenly made sense. Even the weird conversation from the bar. “Let Ryan deal with it.” Brent suggested. They had stopped kissing now, Ryan had gone from shocked and stunned to angry in a matter of seconds.

“How dare you show up here? What the fuck gives you the right?” He shouted.

“I came back for you baby.” She replied, like that was totally obvious.

“I don’t want you. Hell, I don’t even like you. And I sure as hell don’t want to kiss you. I have a girl, she’s amazing and perfect. Better than you in every way.”

“She’s just a replacement, you know it.” She put her hand on his arm.

“Get the fuck away from me.” Ryan snapped, pulling his arm back. “She will never be your replacement. Thank you for breaking my heart – it made my career. But that girl fixed it, she’s not your replacement, she is my saviour. YOU wouldn’t understand, because you are a heartless fucking bitch. Get out of here, before I call security.” He demanded, turning away from her and heading straight for me. Pulling me into a very heated kiss. “I love you baby. Only you.” He said between kisses. “Let’s get out of here.” He whispered in my ear. The others obviously expected this, the music was back and people were talking. Granted, less than before but it was slowly approaching party stage. I waved to the gang. Everyone else was staying behind. Ryan, however, had other plans. Better plans if you ask me. He could barely wait, kissing my neck, nibbling my ear. My only wish was to get to the hotel room sooner.

A/N - So thats's who the psycho bitch is ;) Just wondering, what is your favourite OneRepublic song performed live? Yes, hard question, I couldn't choose either! :D Please vote and comment and if you have some spare time check out my The Script fanfic Fix You :P Lurv ya guys <3

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