Chapter 40 - Sofa

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A/N - So there is some graphic stuff in the first section :D Thought I'd warn you ;)

Ryan could barely hold back, his hands straying, his kisses desperate and needy. The elevator opened, and he practically dragged me to the hotel room. The sofa was nearest, his lips were on mine in seconds. His body pushing me backwards till my knees hit the sofa. We fell over the arm, Ryan on top of me. He was super fucking hot right now. His eyes were blown wide, he was breathing hard. That’s not the only thing that’s hard.

“Fuck Ryan.” I gasped as he began to grind against me. “Get me naked.” His smile was animalistic. He undressed me quickly, thank god for dresses as I kicked off my heels. I pulled his shirt off, stealing a kiss as I did it. I felt Ryan’s tongue on me, his strong hands held me down. “Ryan,” I moaned. “Stop teasing.” I panted. He did stop, he thrust inside me. Both of us gasping with pleasure.

“Jesus Amy. I love you.” He panted between thrusts. I pulled his body down, kissing his lips, his neck, anywhere I could reach.

“Fuck, baby. I’m so close.” I warned, he thrust harder and faster. I came first, Ryan seconds later. We ended up lying snugly against each other’s body. Ryan was rubbing my arm softly, his eyes slightly glazed. Mine were probably worse. That man has a real talent.

“I love you.” He whispered into my ear.

“I never doubted it.” I knew that bitch had wound him up, God. It wound me up too.

“I meant what I said though, you really did save me. I didn’t realise how much I needed you.” He continued.

“Baby, she was a bitch. I’m sorry you had to put up with her, but at the same time we might never have met if it wasn’t for her breaking your heart. Not that that is acceptable.” I replied.

“I thought you would knock her out.” He teased.

“I tried, Brent held me back. Can’t make any promises for Susan.” He chuckled, it made his chest move in the weirdest way.

“Want some food?” Ryan offered.

“Why not!” I agreed, I can tell you why. Puking. Sick. Throw up. Spew. Any and all of the above. He came bounding back into the room, with boxers on unfortunately, he threw me underwear which I put on. Because there are at least two people who will just barge in, and I’m not sure Eddie would knock either. Ryan had brought chocolate, delicious Galaxy Cookie Crumble. It was gone in minutes. We talked about the tour, about Danny and Zac and all the other people he made me meet. I got Adam’s number from him too. Ryan reminded me to FaceTime my parents at some point in the next 24 hours, then there was a knock at the door. Ryan kicked the clothes aside and chucked me a t-shirt from the floor. I pulled it on, god this thing smells of Ryan, I’m kinda glad this ended up here. I don’t know when because it’s not the shirt from earlier. But who cares? It was comfortable and it was Ryan’s; good enough for me.

“Hey dude, you good?” It was Brent.

“Wanna come in?” Ryan had to ask, they were practically family. Everyone filed in; Susan, Brent, Eddie, Zach and Drew.

“Interrupting something?” Eddie smiled, looking at the dress on the floor.

“There is no evidence. For or against.” I justified. Which is a lie. I think the clothed that are lying on the floor are a pretty big give away.

“Right. We all saw Ryan at the party. I’m surprised you made it to the sofa.” Zach teased.

“It was a challenge, that’s for sure.” Ryan agreed, only half joking. We spent a good half hour talking and teasing, Zach had brought cookies and was in a good enough mood to share. Which is pretty rare. Susan kept on taking one when he wasn’t looking, which had me laughing.

“Want to tell me who recommended the restaurant now?” I asked Ryan randomly.

“Oh, yeah! Adam. Obviously.” He replied laughing.

“Should have seen that one coming.” I conceded. The others started laughing at that. Although Eddie seemed a bit on edge compared to everyone else, but he would make a witty comment or do something stupid every once in a while.

Then, food strikes again. I leapt up and sprinted to the toilet, locking the door in time to spew in the toilet. The guys were still talking, they must have thought I was desperate or something. I threw up 3 more times after that, I looked like shit and the more I think it - I feel like shit too. I heard a knock at the door.

“You okay?” Eddie asked softly, I unlocked the door and let him in. He sat with me on the floor when I threw up again, held me as I cried onto his shoulder. “Have you told him?”

“Fuck you.” I said, my voice raw.

“Come on.” He pulled me to my feet and helped me walk. Maybe I wasn’t well.

“Hi guys.” I said weakly. “Just a little ill, nothing to worry about. I’ll call it a night.” I tried to go to bed but Eddie held my arm.

“I don’t think so.” Ryan had come up to me looking concerned. He placed a hand on my forehead. “Jesus, you’re burning up.”

“Definitely a fever.” Doctor Zach confirmed.

“Thanks Doctor.” I joked. They didn’t look amused.

“How long have you been unwell?” Ryan asked.

“A day or two.” I said quietly.

“Why didn’t you say anything!” Ryan questioned, he didn’t seem too happy about this.

“Because I wanted you to have a good night, to enjoy yourself. To not worry about me spewing in front of everyone.” I argued.

“Eddie knew.” Brent pointed out.

“Eddie found me chucking up in the toilet this morning.” I stated.

“I thought she should tell you.” Eddie defended himself.

“It was my decision. I’m not a baby.” I snapped. “I’m going to bed. See you all tomorrow.” I pulled free of Eddie and staggered to the bedroom. Assholes. They treat me like such a child sometimes. I could hear them talking in hushed voices, barely audible. I chose to completely ignore them. I got myself comfortable and fell asleep soon after.

A/N - Alright guys, so please let me know what you think and please vote if you're enjoying this :D Thanks for reading :P

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