Chapter 87

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Zach nodded and left me alone, I don’t know where everyone was but it wasn’t here so I pulled out my phone and called my mum.

“Oh god, are you okay?” She asked immediately.

“Not really. I’m coming home.” I sighed through the phone.

“Is that wise? Does Ryan know yet?”

“He doesn’t want to sort it out Mum, he is heartbroken. I did exactly what Heather did. I broke his heart all over again, he doesn’t want to go through that again. And no. I haven’t told him and I won’t be telling him.”

“Amy.” She started.

“Mum, I have made my decision. You think I want this? He is my life, I love him so much. But what I did was inexcusable, he decided he couldn’t get over it, I have to accept that. I will stay for some of the show and then leave to catch my flight.” I asserted, I have made up my mind.

“How will you get to the airport?”

“I’m gunna give Adam a ring, and hope he isn’t too busy. Or just call a cab.”

“Cab? You better lose the American lingo young lady.” She laughed, I even managed a small smile.

“I’ll try Mum. Look, I’ve gotta go and get things organised. I still hope something might change, if it does I’ll let you know.” I could hear her nodding.

“Okay hun.” Then she hung up. Now to call Adam.

I sat staring at the CD in my hands. The one Ryan had put with my stuff, pretty much everything was packed. I just didn’t know what to do; listen or don’t listen? I sighed yet again, placing it next to me and pulling my phone out. Music. James Morrison, If You Don’t Wanna Love Me. I’ll admit, this façade fell down, I was crying again. Should I stay? I knew it was an option, but it would just hurt Ryan even more. Urgh. Stupid alcohol. I don’t think I’ll drink a drop ever again.

“We are almost there.” Susan announced, peeking in.

“Ta babe, would you do me a favour?” She nodded and her and Kim came to join me. “Will you listen with me?” They smiled sympathetically and nodded. I hesitantly pressed play, for a second there was silence. What came next broke my heart.

“Hey babe, so, I wanted to let you know just how much I love you. These are some of our favourite songs, some of yours and some random stuff I threw in. So yeah. I love you, don’t forget it. And I hope you can forgive me for not leaving a note, I know you hate it, but I wanted to surprise you. Still no elephants.” I was crying, full out crying.

“I really did fuck it all up.” They couldn’t deny it, just gently rubbed my back. Once I had regained some sanity I looked up at them. “I’m leaving.”

“What?” Kim asked.

“I am flying home tonight. I can’t stay. I am hurting him. And having to be here and not be with him is killing me. I called Mum and Adam, and Zach has sorted the tickets. I’m sorry to leave you, but the boys will keep an eye on you for the next two days.”

“It’s okay we get it.” Susan comforted.

“We have your back.” Kim agreed, we continued to listen to Ryan serenade me. After two songs I decided this was something for just me and him. I put it away and packed it up. At least I have one memory, although I’m sure I’ll cry every single time. In fact I know I will.

“Is that the next flight?” I heard Zach ask.

“Alright, thank you.” Then he hung up.

“Who was that?” I asked, he turned quickly.

“Oh, nothing. Just doing a little research.” Suspicious. I raised an eyebrow. “Okay, I was organising a flight…. For Adam, yeah, he said he wanted to make sure Amy is okay.”

“Alright.” I nodded and went to get a drink, which is why I was in here. I was going to make hot chocolate but found myself adding caramel syrup, I chucked the syrup across the room and stormed out. Slightly dramatic. I know. I need to get over her. It is better this way. I know it is. Even if it hurts at first. She did cheat on me, with one of my closest friends.




“Leave me alone.” Ryan warned, I was walking past the green room when I heard this.

“Dude, this isn’t her fault! It was all me, you can’t do this. Please don’t do this.” Danny pleaded.

“I really couldn’t give a fuck.” Ryan replied.

“Damn it Ryan! Stop being so stubborn, it was me! What else do you need, a confession in blood. I STARTED IT! I KISSED HER!” I was heading into the room to calm them down, I was a little late, Ryan swung a punch. Luckily, it didn’t break Danny’s nose or anything. But there was a nice amount of blood pouring from his nose.

“Jesus! What are you doing Ryan?” I pushed past him to check on Danny.

“I am so sorry Amy. If I hadn’t forced you to drink, you would be happy and wouldn’t be le-“

“Shut up Dan. I know.” I gave him a quick hug, I had told Dan but forgot to mention Ry didn’t know. He looked from me to him and seemed to get the message. “I have somewhere to be.” Then I left, Dan was on the floor holding his nose and Ryan was looking slightly shocked and angry. Just before I got to the door I turned around. “Bye guys.” They didn’t know it was the last time I would be seeing them. Or that this was the last time Ryan would be able to stop me. A small tear may have rolled down my face.

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now