Chapter 56 - Psycho

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I could feel Ryan watching me.

“Why are you awake?” I groaned.

“Go back to sleep.” He replied softly, moving some hair from my face.

“I can’t sleep if you’re watching me.” I yawned.

“You could always get up.” He pointed out.

“Or you could go sleep too.” I proposed.

“I’m not tired. I’m ready to face the day.” He was too cheery, part of me wanted to see the expression on his face. The other wanted to go back to sleep.

“Go be happy somewhere else. Write some songs or something.” I suggested.

“Great idea!” He practically jumped off the bed, giving me a kiss before he left. I heard him clatter around the hotel room, trying to find his laptop I guess and some paper. I could hear him humming away from wherever he had sat, tapping away on the keyboard. I don’t think sleep is an option. I grabbed my phone instead, I had a text from Susan asking if we were awake. I’m sad to say I ignored it, I feel some guilt, but not a lot. Soz babe. ‘Hey Bro, how’s life? Ryan woke me up and now he’s writing songs too loud L’ I sent to Adam. ‘Poor u sis’ I got back within a couple of minutes. Not long after I heard Ryan laugh.

“Really Amy? Getting Adam to control me for ya!” He chuckled.

“What?” I shouted back, finally sitting up.

“Adam sent me a text telling me to shut the fuck up so his baby sis can sleep.”

“Sorry. Up now anyway.” I replied, pulling some clothes out of the suitcase.

“I can be quieter.” He proposed, he hates thinking I’m upset or mad, especially at him. Or that he has done something wrong.

“I’m up.” I said from behind him, because I can move like a ninja. I leant in and gave him a kiss, one he returned eagerly. “Why are you so happy?” I laughed.

“Good day I guess.” He shrugged.

“You strange person.” I laughed fondly, running my hand through his hair. “Want anything?” I asked as I went in the kitchen area.

“Nah, although if you are having a can I’ll drink some.” He called back. I brought through two cans and some toast a few minutes later.

“You always drink all of my can, so have your own.” I pointed out. He just smiled. “What ya writing?” I asked.

“I shouldn’t tell you.” He insisted, he wanted to though, I could see it in his eyes.

“I’m not gunna tell anyone baby. Please.”

“Because I love you.” He just loved telling me his ‘secrets’. “I think it would be a good song for The Script, I mean I don’t have much to go on. But I told Danny I would try and write them something while we are touring. So why not?” He hinted.

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