Chapter 83

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“Come on guys we are heading back.” I announced as we reached the table, Danny was sat there as if nothing had happened. I looked at Susan in confusion, maybe we are going crazy.

“Hey baby.” Ryan slurred, stumbling to his feet. Glen took Mark and Danny, Susan took Zach and Kim took Eddie. Drew wasn’t too drunk, neither was Brent. So Brent took Adam and Drew was helping Glen. We all headed to the back exit, where we had a car waiting for us apparently. The ride was pretty quiet, Ryan tends to get clingy when he’s drunk and the same applies. He was wrapped around me, already asleep on my shoulder. Getting Ryan back to the room was less difficult, after his little nap he seemed more himself. He still needed a bit of help walking straight though.

“Night guys.” I called as we headed into the lift. The others were too far behind to catch the same one. After closing the door to the room Ryan pressed his lips against mine.

“Now then, where were we?” He led me to the bedroom, I knew I should probably say no. But god, the man is irresistible.

“Oh fuck. I need to stop going out with Adam.” Ryan groaned.

“Water and Paracetamol by the bed.” I informed him without looking up, he gulped them down and fell asleep not long after. “You’re welcome.” I muttered sarcastically, pulling on some clothes and heading into the living room. I had just sat down with a lovely cup of hot chocolate when I got a text, ‘come hang out with us ;)’ From Adam. This could be fun. I scribbled a quick note for Ryan and headed over to Adam’s room. I let myself in.

“Hey!” Adam greeted, pulling me into a hug. I glanced around the room; Adam, Glen, Mark and Danny.

“Can I invite the girls?” I asked.

“Why not.” They shrugged, so I sent them a text. They were probably still asleep. But they might show up eventually.

“Thanks boys, so what we up to?” They all looked at each other for a minute.

“Nothing yet.” Glen spoke eventually. “Any ideas?” I just shrugged.

“Not really. TV until we think of something better…” I suggested. We ended up watching some crime show re-runs.

“How about a drinking game!” Danny blurted, his face lighting up.

“Every time there is physical violence we take a drink.” Adam agreed.

“I won’t drink much.” I warned.

“The first show and we’ll see from there on.” Adam countered. I thought about Ryan, and my Dad, they wouldn’t be too happy. But live a little!

“You are on.” I beamed as Glen went to pour some shots. This was going to be fun.

We were three shows in when Susan and Kim decided to show up, I had gone two shows with alcohol. Now I just get to laugh at the others, I gotta say it is very fun. I may be slightly tipsy, but I am nowhere near drunk. I don’t think.

“Shit, what have you been doing?” Susan asked, staring at me.

“Urm, having fun?” It sounded like a question, it was a bit of a question.

“Yeah, fun for sure.” Danny grumbled, I had accidently punched him in the face. I didn’t mean too, I may have gotten over-excited at an advert.

“I said sorry.” I pulled him into a hug.

“Fine, I forgive you.” He sighed. I just smiled at him. “Now hand me a shot.”

“Okie dokie.” I tried to pick up one for myself, but Glen moved the tray. “Meanies.”

“Hey, Ryan is one scary ass dude sometimes.” Adam justified, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“That he is. I wonder if he is awake yet. I’m gunna go and check.” I fell off the sofa in my attempt to stand, yeah, maybe a little more than tipsy.

“How much did you let her drink?” Kim asked, looking concerned.

“Not much.” Danny answered. “I’ll take her back.” He pulled me up and wrapped his arm round my waist.

“Thanks Danno.” I smiled as he took the most of my weight and kept me on my feet. He opened the door to my room, Ryan wasn’t there. And he didn’t leave a note. Or a text.

“Why do you look so upset?” I thought I had hidden it better.

“Ry isn’t here.” I sat down on the sofa, honestly I was disappointed. You know when you just want to be with someone, I just wanted Ryan. I wanted to lie against his chest and fall asleep watching TV.

“Did you want me to stay?” He looked a little unsure of himself, I just nodded and patted the space beside me. After a moment of internal debate he sat beside me, I made myself comfortable. Resting my head against his shoulder. “He loves you. Don’t forget that.”

“Where is he?” I sounded like a desperate needy child, instead I am a drunk and desperate adult. Or, an adult in my mind anyways.

“I don’t know, but he’ll be back. Don’t you worry.” He assured me, his hand rubbing circles on my shoulder. “Want another drink?” I was already pretty tipsy, but who cares.

“Yeah.” He got up and came back with a bottle of vodka.

“Now, don’t get me into trouble.” He warned with a smirk.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I laughed as he took a gulp, he passed the bottle over. And slowly but surely I managed to forget about Ryan and about him constantly leaving without telling me. And forget about all the shit that has gone on. I was just happy, happy and having fun. It must have been a few hours at least. All I know is, I was drunk. Really drunk. Or not… It’s hard to judge. Somehow I had ended up on Dan’s lap, straddling him. The bottle lay forgotten beside us. Danny closed the distance, kissing my lips, my hands were in his hair and it was enjoyable. But I was forgetting something. Something wasn’t quite right. Dan lifted me up, we stumbled backwards until I was against the wall, the kiss was desperate and needy. Then the door opened.

“Babe I’m back, are you he-“

A/N - Wow. So... I went there :D Anyways, please vote and comment guys XD

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