Chapter 66

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“I still blame you for getting me drunk.”

“It is so not my fault!”

“Urm, you organised the whole evening.” That was Ryan, my brain took a while to wake up.

“I didn’t make you drink, I wasn’t even the one buying the drinks most of the time.” And that was Adam.

“You took us to the club. So yeah, your fault.” That seemed to be Ryan’s argument, and apparently the only one he has.

“Dude! I was just as drunk as you were, so let’s not point fingers.”

“Fine. But, if we were, it would be your fault.” Ryan is so stubborn, I found myself smiling. He can be so childish sometimes, it is adorable.

“Whatever. How long till the show?” Adam asked, trying to change the subject.

“Couple of hours.” I glanced at the clock, I could barely believe it. I’d been asleep for about 3 hours, we were going to have to leave soon. I stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and grabbing a dress Ryan had bought in the UK.

“Hey.” I yawned.

“She lives!” Adam teased.

“Fuck you.” I laughed, pulling Adam in for a hug then giving Ryan a kiss. “You should have woken me when you got home.”

“You were fast asleep. Not like we were doing anything interesting. Or even important.” Ryan explained.

“You’re right. You were acting like a stubborn child.” I joked, he blushed a bit, which was just too cute. “You are so adorable.” I giggled, kissing him again.

“I am NOT adorable.” He insisted.

“Dude, you are just a bit.” Adam affirmed.

“You are supposed to have my back.” Ryan complained.

“Being adorable is not a bad thing baby.” I pointed out, he didn’t look too convinced though.

“I can’t stay all night, flying out somewhere to do something.” Adam informed us.

“That’s fine.” I replied.

“Maybe I’ll get home sober.” Ryan muttered.

“Don’t be an ass.” I slapped him playfully.

“Why are you taking his side?” Ryan moaned.

“Because I actually remember what happened last night. You are both to blame.” I explained. “Now stop being a stroppy old man!” I laughed.

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