Chapter 10 - Dinner

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Ryan seemed so nervous, I felt so sorry for him. God, I hope my Dad is nice. I gave him a tour of the house, discovered that my Mum had taken Izzy and Andrew to Witney or something. I didn’t read the whole note. I was desperately trying to think of something we could do that would really impress my Dad. I had been thinking about it the whole way home. “Ry, can you cook?”

“Sure, why?” He asked.

“Well, that might impress my Dad. Just thought it was an idea.”

“No, that’s great! If I go find something can you find out when they’ll be back?” He had cheered up a bit, having something to think about probably helped.

“Yeah. I’ll let you know.” I gave him a kiss before he went to the kitchen. I sent my Mum and Dad a text, thankfully a received an answer pretty quickly. “We have an hour and a half, I’m gunna clean up a bit.”

“Cool, thanks babe! How does a pasta dish sound?” I heard Ryan shout. He must have been raiding the kitchen cupboards, trying to find something edible.

“That should be fine.” This could definitely work.

AH! This is not going to work. Her Dad will hate me, he’ll say I’m too old or not around enough. He’ll find something. I’ve never been this nervous in my life, if this goes wrong this relationship gets a whole lot harder. Luckily, I’m not a bad cook. But, unless I get my head in the game I might mess this up too. That's when I had an idea.

“Do you mind if I put on some music?” I shouted through to where I thought Amy was.

“Yeah, that’s cool.” I heard. Great. I eventually worked out how to use the stereo. I plugged in my phone and put it on shuffle. It was more relaxing that’s for sure, I was singing along to some of my favourite songs, criticising demos in my head and trying to develop half-finished songs. It was great. I was in the zone.


I’d been watching him for about 10 minutes. He was so happy; dancing, singing and cooking around the kitchen, he was in a world of his own. I snuck up behind him and hugged him. “Holy fucking shit.” He said grasping his chest, laughing after he got over the shock. For a second I thought he was having a heart attack, the way he clutched his chest. Obviously, I didn’t let him know that. I would look like a right twat.

“You sound like Susan.” I giggled. She can barely say a sentence without at least one swear word. He leant back into my arms and we stood like that until we heard the front door open.

“Amy, we’re back!” My Mum shouted. “That smells great, what is it?”

“Ryan’s cooking dinner.” I announce proudly. Giving Ryan an encouraging smile.

“Ooh, impressive. He’s a keeper.” My Mum laughed as she came through. “It’s actually a really nice idea. It should work well.” I glanced at Ryan, I guess he thought he was hiding it well but I could tell he was pretty nervous. He was tapping his foot and I already know music calms him down, and his whole body was tense. At one point I thought he would run. Poor thing. I felt so bad. We keep making it sound really dreadful, but it will probably go fine.

“Doesn’t it smell delicious? Who knew right?” I said, giving him a smile. It helped. A tiny bit. Maybe. But I was being completely truthful, if my Dad didnt get home soon I would be forced to eat mine and his. It looked and smelled to good to leave alone.

“Let’s lay the table then.” My Mum said, me and her did that whilst Ryan finished off dinner. He served it and we put the meals on the table. It honestly looked delicious. As if he knew we had just finished, I heard the door open.

“Hunny, I’m home! Ooh that smells nice.” My Dad called out. Probably thinking Mum had made dinner for everyone.

“Come on Ryan.” I took Ryan with me, holding his hand tightly. “Dad, this is Ryan.” Ryan smiled and said ‘Hello Sir’ or something along those lines. Not only is he a kiss ass still, but he actually mumbled and wouldn’t look my Dad in the eye. God, I hope my Dad is nice. Poor Ryan, I just want to cuddle him until he stops being nervous. But I’m thinking that wouldn’t help. But, he is so adorable when he's nervous.

“Nice. Why is he in my house?”

“He cooked for us. And he’s my boyfriend."

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