Chapter 64

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There wasn’t one slice of pizza left, Zach made sure of that. We had finished eating nearly 2 hours ago, thank god I didn’t feel as sick anymore.

“Shit. We are going to be late. Go get dressed. Clothes in your bedrooms.” Adam ordered, already going to his room to get dressed.

“Okay then.” Ryan replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me to our room. One look at the bed and I could see Ryan was regretting letting Adam choose the clothing. There was a long sleeved, sparkly, metallic looking dress. Honestly it was really nice, what was bothering Ryan was how short it was and the open back. “No. You are not wearing that.” Ryan complained.

“Seriously? Who are you my Dad?”

“Amy, he might see photos of this, not to mention I don’t want you to wear it.” He argued.

“Adam chose it though, you might hurt his feelings.”

“Amy. Please.” He was pleading with me now, I hate him and those gorgeous eyes.

“Fine. But for the record, I liked this dress and I think you are being an old man.” I stated, before going out to find Adam. He knows what Ryan is like and will almost definitely have secondary outfits planned.

“Mr Protective won’t let you out?” Adam asked when he heard me walk in.

“Ding ding. We have a winner.” I smiled, but I’m sure he could hear how annoyed I was.

“Sis, I expected nothing less of him. The next outfit isn’t much better.” I saw his smile and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Bring it on.” I replied. Adam came back with a white crop-top, the ones that cover most of your ribs, but not your stomach and some shorts.

“Throw on some sneakers, otherwise you’ll be a slut.” He laughed. “But, we are all going casual.”

“Great, Ryan’s face will be a picture.” We took a moment to prepare ourselves, then headed out to the limo. Where apparently everyone was waiting.

“What are you wearing?” Ryan asked, not happy at all.

“You told me not to wear the dress, the dress is gone.” I snapped.

“I think she looks nice.” Eddie commented quietly, the others nodded.

“Thanks Eddie.” I smiled at him. “You all look very handsome, even you Ryan.” He just sighed loudly. Zach punched him.

“Ow! DUDE!” He shouted. “Thanks.” He muttered. After a few minutes he looked up. “I’m sorry. It’s just, there’s usually paparazzi here and I just don’t want to piss off your Dad.” He admitted.

“It’s okay, just know, the more you tell me not to do something. The more likely I am to do it.” I informed him with a smile.

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