Chapter 26 - Let Go

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I slept in the chair, my head against his arm, I was still gripping his hand when I woke up. Eddie was in the seat where Zach had been, he looks like he hadn’t slept.

“You know, he’s gunna be okay.” Eddie assured me, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself. I just nodded. I needed to believe him, I wanted to believe him. But that little voice in the back of my mind kept saying, he might die you know, there are no promises. “ Look, we are going to get his stuff. We have to do some press and make some calls. Is it okay if you are here on your own?”

“I’ll be fine.” I croaked, he winced.

“Have a drink. And eat. We need you too.” He commented before leaving.

“Hear that Ryan. Just me and you now. I’ll have a drink, only because I can’t talk like this.” I grabbed the water and drank the whole bottle. “There. You need to focus on waking up okay. Because we all need you, I need you Ryan.” I started thinking about how different things were two nights ago. “Two nights ago things were perfect babe, now look at us. We had the most perfect date, a perfect night. Even yesterday was going great, then-“ I couldn’t carry on. “It nearly killed me Ry, it’s nearly killing me. I need you okay. You made a promise. We both promised. I can’t live without you, I just can’t do it. Just, wake up.” Then I thought back to the night, to that song he talked about. I pulled my phone out and searched it on YouTube, I clicked the top one. A lyric video.

( )

Really Ryan. Oh my God. I was crying again, it was too much. Too much like the situation we were in now.

Of course she would play the song, damn. I realised now how unfortunate that is, how she’s going to relate. Urgh, I just like the song, I liked the forever and always. I liked our forever and always. Now I have to listen to her cry till she can’t cry anymore, to beg me not to die. Listen to my closest friends try to comfort her, try to convince themselves I’ll be fine.


“Ryan, you idiot!” I cried. “I know you love me, I couldn’t ever forget. But, you are going to be fine. You will be with me forever and always. Just like you promised okay. You aren’t allowed to go. That is NOT okay! RYAN, PLEASE!” I started shouting at him, the lifeless body. Zach ran in, I fell against him, crying till I couldn’t cry anymore, letting go of Ryan’s hand. “Take me home Zach.” I gave in quietly. I couldn’t look at him, not now. As he walked me to the car I saw Brent go in behind us. They won’t leave him alone.

She let go. She was my anchor, my focus. Now she’s gone, someone’s here. It’s good for her, she needs sleep. But I made her so upset, it was almost like that song was my message to her. A final message. All I can think about is her. She let go.

A/N: Let me know what ya think guys!! :D Absolutely love that song btw, so let me know if you do too :)

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now